My sweet little Peanut-Pie is 5!! Unbelievable. And bless his heart, he is so emotional today! (like his mother!) Cory said he's like a woman on her period. I'm sure that's very common, when kids get so excited about things emotions easily come to the surface. This morning at church, they planted little flower seeds in yogurt containers (good recycling!) and he came down the stairs in tears, holding one that wasn't officially 'his' because he never put his name on 'his' and it was nowhere to be found. It wasn't that little bratty cry that makes you cringe and roll your eyes, it was a sweet little tormented tear-your-heart out quiet cry, complete with The Face. Awwwwww. Poor guy. I know he's had mixed feelings about the whole birthday thing. Not long ago he was very adamant about staying four, NOT wanting to turn five. Isn't that only supposed to happen when you're turning 40?! That boy is definitely ahead of his time--for better or for worse! In a couple of hours we'll be heading to Chuck E Cheese, so hopefully that will take the reality of aging off his mind. A little bad pizza and trading in a gajillion hard-won tickets for a lowly plastic spider will do it every time. I'll have to update on that later...

But first I just have to reminisce. I am so sorry, but you will have to put up with yet another birth story. And it's long. I know you don't read/hear/ experience enough of them in your life. Sullivan came one day after his due date. Obviously that's pretty darn good, but considering I had been walking around for 2 weeks about 80% dilated and 30% effaced (women talk, sorry!), and I had done the same thing with Vivian and was over a week late, I was irritated that this pregnancy had gone one day over it's time. I mean, you always hear how #2 often comes early! So, the day after the due date, I grumbled my way to my weekly doctor appointment-- the week after the appointment that my doctor cheerfully said, "I'm sure I won't see you here next week!"--only to be examined and sent out the door, with those disheartening words, "Well, nothing's changed since last week!" Vivian was with me, and I remember feeling like I needed retail therapy. We went to the Gap. I had felt a bit crampy, but chalked it up to the usual twinges one gets after having a doctor exploring your nether-regions. Long story short, by golly, it was the beginning of labor. Before I knew it we were taking Vivian over to Rosemarie and Greg's and heading to the hospital. Let me just say, it was a day of Most of My Worst Fears--at least, having to do with labor. Being March in Minnesota, of course that day we had a snowstorm. Little Sullivan decided he was going to make his appearance right around rush hour, in a snowstorm in Minnesota. And, little Sullivan (well, and Mommy and Daddy) decided he was going to make an appearance at Abbott Northwestern Hospital, which is not exactly a hop skip and a jump away, right around rush hour, in a snowstorm in Minnesota. Well, needless to say I barely made it to the hospital. Seeing how I was clutching the handle on the roof by the door every few minutes (now we know what those things are for!), Cory asked if maybe I wanted to be dropped off and wheeled up to my room in a wheelchair. NO WAY, I thought, if I do that my husband will still be parking the damn car and not make the birth!!!!! I hobbled my way around the spaghetti corridors of the hospital,--if anyone has been to Abbott, they know exactly what I mean--contractions here and there. I think the nurses knew I meant business when I could barely get my clothes off without another contraction hitting me full force--they were like, "Oh, you're having ANOTHER one?!" All I could say was, "I want my drugs!" Another long story short, and another one of my worst fears, there were no drugs. Even though they tried to make me believe that the anesthesiologist was on his merry way, later on I realized they were totally shamming me and had no intention of getting his butt in that room--I was way too far gone for such frivolities! And another worst fear, it was time to push, and no doctor. She hadn't quite made it into the room, either. LUCKILY I had an amazing nurse who was like, "Well, go ahead and push!" 27 minutes after arriving at the hospital and about 3 pushes later, Sullivan Francis Scout Shubert literally flew into this world. My doctor decided to show up in time to give me a few stitches. Of course in the grand scheme of labor, it's the best way to go. Quick, with no drugs. But man, it was a wild and scary thing! I was so happy thinking that I'd never have to do that again. My doctor said if I decided to, I'd have to schedule the delivery date, otherwise I'd probably end up with a baby on the kitchen floor! Yikes! (and how unsanitary!) I remember being wheeled out of the room on my way to my 'recovery' room. The circular birthing ward was very quiet. I casually mentioned to the group of nurses at the desk in the center, "Huh, must not be very busy tonight!" to which they replied, "Nope, we're full..." Huh, I thought again, nobody was screaming bloody murder like I was. I casually mentioned something about no one being as loud as I was and expecting them to say, "Oh no, you weren't loud!", instead I got some knowing smiles and uncomfortable look-aways. Huh. Ah well. What else would you expect from a Heavy Metal Mommy??

I am sleepy today, after hosting our gourmet group here last night! Another great night with my great friends. It's absolutely amazing that my kids can get any sleep with the eight of us laughing it up into the late hours of the night. Especially Sullivan, who's bedroom is very close to the dining area.

Vivian did say our laughter came wafting up the stairs into her room, keeping her up a little later than she wanted to be. Ooops! I remember so vividly when my mom would have parties, hearing the adults laughing away outside my door. Especially on Christmas Eve, when we had our yearly neighborhood party. It was actually a comfort to me, hearing the laughs and general indistinct hum of conversation. I remember drifting off to sleep feeling very satisfied, and safe. I think I tried telling that to Vivian once and she just looked at me like I was nuts. Kids these days!!!