Spring has Sprung!
...and I'm....well-hung?? I was trying to think of a rhyme for 'sprung' and of course that's the first thing that popped into my head. C'mon, you know you thought of it, too. Too bad it doesn't fit. Then again, I'm glad it doesn't fit. 'Cuz I like being a girl.
Enough of that silliness! Let's go back to spring! Ahhh, spring! Do I dare say it's finally here? Let's try to ignore the upcoming major snowstorm warning that the blasted newspeople brought up last night, daring to say it could be the worst storm yet this year. I will not think of it, I will not! Yesterday my children were frolicking in the yard, and that was great to see.
Spring also means my kids' birthdays. Sullivan's is the day after tomorrow, and Vivian's is in April. I can not believe Sullivan will be 5 already. I have to say, I've been in a bit of a funk about it. He's my little boy! Part of me wants him to stay four forever. I don't think there is much better than being woken up by my little peanut climbing into bed with me every morning at 7:00 sharp. (okay, it may be a bit nicer if it were at least 8:00, but I guess I can live with 7:00) If I miss that snuggle, for whatever reason, I really do feel like something is missing from my day. But turning 5, soon he will be too big for that, and I will mourn that day!!! Maybe he'll always let me get some snuggles in on the sly, though. Vivian is still a snuggle-bug at almost 10. So there's hope.
Here's my boy with his requested treat for the birthday celebration at school yesterday. He took one look at the way I'd arranged them on this plate and said, "Wow, that's cool, Mom!" Again, another sign that my boy is growing up! *sniff!*
Sheesh, it's a good thing my Feminine Hijinx ladies--or minxes, as Stephanie would call us--are coming over tonight for another show!! I could definitely use a shot of laughter and bawdiness that always accompanies our get-togethers...whether we are recording a podcast or not! Tonight my friend Kyle will be joining us as our first guest, too. I hope he knows what he's getting into...tee hee! Can't wait!!
Enough of that silliness! Let's go back to spring! Ahhh, spring! Do I dare say it's finally here? Let's try to ignore the upcoming major snowstorm warning that the blasted newspeople brought up last night, daring to say it could be the worst storm yet this year. I will not think of it, I will not! Yesterday my children were frolicking in the yard, and that was great to see.
Spring also means my kids' birthdays. Sullivan's is the day after tomorrow, and Vivian's is in April. I can not believe Sullivan will be 5 already. I have to say, I've been in a bit of a funk about it. He's my little boy! Part of me wants him to stay four forever. I don't think there is much better than being woken up by my little peanut climbing into bed with me every morning at 7:00 sharp. (okay, it may be a bit nicer if it were at least 8:00, but I guess I can live with 7:00) If I miss that snuggle, for whatever reason, I really do feel like something is missing from my day. But turning 5, soon he will be too big for that, and I will mourn that day!!! Maybe he'll always let me get some snuggles in on the sly, though. Vivian is still a snuggle-bug at almost 10. So there's hope.

Sheesh, it's a good thing my Feminine Hijinx ladies--or minxes, as Stephanie would call us--are coming over tonight for another show!! I could definitely use a shot of laughter and bawdiness that always accompanies our get-togethers...whether we are recording a podcast or not! Tonight my friend Kyle will be joining us as our first guest, too. I hope he knows what he's getting into...tee hee! Can't wait!!
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