The Camo Conspiracy

I took Vivian shopping today to get a couple of tank tops. She let me know yesterday that she needed some for the play she's in, of which the opening night is tomorrow. (Typical!) It wasn't as difficult as I imagined it would be to find tank tops in March, but it was nigh impossible to find one that didn't have some sort of sequined pattern or ridiculous bead work all over it. Not only are they the most God-awful tacky things that only Liberace or one of the Village People would love, we're supposed to be able to wash these things? I can only imagine what the machine would look like after washing. Beads and sequins everywhere, and then the Coreman would end up with nice girlie sequins on his underwear. (or in them--ouch!)
But anyway, we were looking at some tanks and Vivian points to a peasant-type skirt--again, with more beads and sequins. Apparently the Eastern Indian/Hippie thing is really in. Succumbing to my little tween's new-found love of fashion, I allowed her to pick out a skirt. Then we walked to the other side of the girlie area and she flipped her lid over the camouflage--that is the other 'In' thing, I am guessing from the amount of it that I saw. Camo?? That's one of those things I could never get into. Brings to mind the whole Bambi thing. I've never even bought Sullivan anything in camouflage, even if it was pint-sized and really cute. Uh uh, no killing of innocent little animals here. I don't care if some of the camo is pink, it's camo. Or green with a ruffle and a bedazzling butterfly.

Or maybe the people who make these fashion rules are just really running out of ideas. I don't know. But a lot of the camo had beads and sequins on it, too. Where does it end, people?? I suppose kid's clothes are supposed to make parents crazy, along with the kids in them.
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