Out Like a Lion
Well, summer definitely went out like a lion...a fun holiday weekend to be had and a very hot temp for the first day of September, which of course seems so strange since September just sounds so 'fall'.
It started out on Friday with a birthday celebration for me...yes, Metal Mommy is another year older (and of course deeper in debt...I'm in America, aren't I??). It was the 42nd one, sort of a blah birthday. Although 42 definitely means you are IN your forties, not just hovering around it anymore. Vivian made me a lovely cake--she did pretty well with only yellow food coloring, random frosting tubes and a few candles. In her usual clever (and thoughtful!) manner instead of putting 42 candles on the cake she put four and then the number 2 candle. Yes, I blew them all out in one puff...of course knowing me with all of my hot air I probably could have managed 42 of them!! The only thing I really wanted was Godfather's pizza for my special meal...it's a memory thing, Godfathers was the pizza place I went to after every football game and fun event in junior high and high school. It was a nice gift indeed, considering Coreman had to drive a bit to get it, there isn't a restaurant very close by. The pizza was a bit cool by the time we got it home, but definitely worth it. Yum! I don't know if it's especially good pizza or just the association...but no matter! It's a pizza I can't refuse!
Over the weekend we got invited to Mark and Dawn's house to celebrate the end of summer with yet another lovely BBQ. Friends of theirs have a Sullivan too...a girl one! :-) I've heard a lot about them, so it was fun to finally meet them and have the Sullivans play. They were pretty much inseparable--my Sully was in the pool from 2:00 when we arrived until 9:00 when we left. Check out those pruney feet! Imagine if the Sullivans married?
Sullivan and Sullivan. Sounds like a law firm.
And last night, an impromptu BBQ here with our friends Darcie, Dan, Elliot and Q. Here are the big boys talking gadgets, as always. Too bad I didn't get photos of the kids downstairs doing their 'band'--Elliot on drums, Sullivan guitar (a blow-up one, that is...) and Quinton on microphone. Luckily we did get some movie footage...good stuff. They were jamming along to "Smells Like Teen Spirit", by Nirvana. Makes a Metal Mommy proud...*sniff*...
And another *sniff*--off to school the kids went today! I am crying both in sadness
and joy. Sadness of course because the summer is gone and you can't get those days back...my children are on to 
another school year. Joy because the summer is gone and that means FREEDOM for Mommy! Although I will miss sleeping in, there is definitely something to be said for my very own schedule for a few hours a day. ahhhh.
Happy Back to School everyone!
And another *sniff*--off to school the kids went today! I am crying both in sadness
another school year. Joy because the summer is gone and that means FREEDOM for Mommy! Although I will miss sleeping in, there is definitely something to be said for my very own schedule for a few hours a day. ahhhh.
Happy Back to School everyone!
Labels: Darcie, Dawn and Mark, Godfather's Pizza, Nirvana, Sullivan, Vivian
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