Well, well, I guess those blasted weather-people were right this time. We got our storm. Cory actually got to come right back home from work today, not long after he got there--no power. Doesn't mean he's not working, though...just not behind his desk. Gotta love a man and his snow-blower. Especially when you get to stay in the nice, warm house and just reap the benefits. Thank you, Coreman!

This is definitely spring in Minnesota. I've always liked the change of seasons--but this is ridiculous! Just the other day it was in the 50's. Craziness. Well, just like on Sullivan's Birth Day, 5 years ago. At least the saving grace is that it IS March, and it will be gone before long.

We survived Chuck E Cheese last night--barely. As soon as we walked in Cory grimaced and said, "Ug, it smells like vomit in here!" Eeeek, I actually told myself it was really just parmesan cheese (you know, on pizza...work with me here, people...!) or the rank smell of stinky feet as the kids climb shoeless in the germ-infested climber. I had to, or I'd never make it through the next hour and a half. Needless to say, I didn't eat any of the pizza that was served at the party. But! The important thing was, the kids had a great time. At least I know my kids did--I hope the others did as well! We actually deflowered Susie, Quinn, Elliot and their mommies, as it was their very first time at Chuck E's! It's funny, we've been there plenty of times before, but it just seemed especially crazy and gross yesterday. There I am, frantically cleaning Sullivan's hands with hand sanitizer--a staple in my purse.

I think I have one in each of my purses, so I never am anywhere without it. (forget about the American Express card!!) It felt good to know I wasn't completely paranoid, as each mom did the exact same thing!!! I just don't even want to think of how filthy that place is. The games, the tokens, the climber....ug!!!!! I think next year we will definitely try to steer Sullivan away from that idea for his birthday!!
At 8:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Time to chuck up-Chuck E's, eh? Blech. And funny! As long as Sullivan had fun, I guess that's all that matters. Sorta. Ha! Happy Birthday little Sullivan! I hope he twinkled - so cute!
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