Woo Woos
Woo, this is so much fun. We keep getting such great comments and feedback about our Feminine Hijinx show. I can not tell you how great that is! Whoda thunk there would be so many people out there who like to hear ladies talk trash?? Hilarious. It sounds kind of odd to say that I'm proud of such a thing, but I am. :-) But seriously, it feels good to bring some joy into people's lives, make them laugh a bit. God knows we need that in this world.
And another Woo...for the first time ever, I have actually made money at making music. After writing the theme song for our podcast, Cory suggested that I write some songs that he could offer for his up and coming business, Creative Podcasts Unlimited. That turned into the idea of having my own little business creating these kinds of songs--for podcasts, commercials, presentations--who knows? The sky's the limit! I actually had my first client, The Banjo Brothers. Michael wanted a little ditty for the opening of his commercial podcast he does for the The Sandtrap.com, a golfing site. The really cool thing was that he also wanted a voice over--so that was my first voice over job, too! Woo hoo hoo!!! It was so satisfying to get that check. And it's not even about the money--it's the realization that I can actually be recognized for something that has always meant so much to me, and what I feel is just having fun! So if any of you need your own sound track for your podcast, presentation, or heck, just for being YOU, (like I've always said, I think we all need our own sound tracks!) just let me know! :-)

At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
You go, girlfriend! Woo hoo!
At 3:40 PM,
Suz said…
Thanks, sweetie!!! :-)
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