Kids Say (and Do!) the Darndest Things....

It's a well-known fact that young children will come out with things that definitely make you go, hmmmmm. My son is certainly no exception to this rule. This morning, for some odd reason, he was showing me a little scab on his shoulder. I casually said, "Hmm, I wonder how that got there..." and he asked, "is it a bloody nipple of a Wiccan?" Believe ir or not, I know where the 'Wiccan' thing comes from. Good old Scooby Doo, in the "Scooby Doo and the Witches' Ghost" episode, all about witches of old being burned at the stake and all of that lovely stuff. Who knew Scooby Doo could be so educational?! And how the heck does one explain what a 'Wiccan' is to a four (now five) year old?! I'm still trying to figure out the 'bloody nipple' part. I don't remember that in the Scooby Doo movie....
Sullivan does not need much sleep. He is definitely up by 7:00-- I would say he probably wakes up between 6:00 and 6:30 every morning, no matter what time he goes to bed. Considering both Cory and I love to sleep in, it's a bit of a bummer. When Vivian was young, she was also an early riser--sometimes getting up as early as 5:00! (thankfully, that has since changed, so I do have hope for Sullivan...!) But for Vivian we came up with an idea when she was about three....we got a clock with big-ass digital numbers, taped over the minute ones, and just left the hour one visible. Then we told her if she woke up before she saw the 7, she had to just stay her in room and play quietly. Once the 7 popped up, she could come into our room and wake us up. Being a total rule-follower, it worked like a charm. We tried this with Sullivan. It backfired. With him, he freaks out if it gets PAST 7:00. His world is so ruled by order that it just kills him if he's still trying to pull me out of the bed at 7:01. He will often come into the room before 7:00 and say, "It's not 7:00 yet...when is it going to be 7:00??" Grief. So much for getting any sleep. The other morning I went into his room with him to get him dressed and he said to me, "Last night I tooted at the clock because it wasn't 7:00." He then proceeded to give me a visual, climbing up on his bed and aiming his butt right at the clock. My son farted at the clock. Oh, what are we in for?? Not only is it a very bizarre thing to do, it's quite an act of defiance. The teenage years ought to be interesting...!!!
At 10:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
OMG, that is one damn funny entry. Sullivan! You're little Wiccan Farter! Hilarious!
At 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Try again, of course I can't leave the obvious typo...
OMG, that is one damn funny entry. Sullivan! Your little Wiccan Farter! Hilarious!
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