Learn Something New Every Day
Another day, another podcast. Wahoo! I'm so glad Stephanie is feeling better and that she was up for a show last night! It went very well--as Kim says, they just keep getting better as we go along. At least I think it's feeling more and more natural and easy for us to just do our thing. The hardest part is remembering NOT to mention certain names, which we forgot to do and as a result had to use the old blooper sound to drown them out. It actually sounds pretty hilarious, though, so it adds to the fun. Plus it's difficult to keep it around 30 minutes! As it is, this installment is a bit longer. Ah well, what can you do? It's hard to edit us girls, that's for darn sure.
I pried myself out of bed to get Kim for Coreboard this morning. Then this afternoon we had a family outing to the Science Museum. Yay! I'm a sucker for a Family Outing, especially an educational one. There were definitely some interesting things to be learned at the Science Museum. This TAM woman, for one. (see photo on right)
What the heck?? TAM stands for Transparent Anatomical Mannequin, of course. But basically it was one of those weird see-through human body things, like the kind my brother had in his room that used to scare the shit out of me as a kid. Except this thing was even scarier, it was life-sized! I guess we're supposed to learn something as we look through the skin at all of the innards. All I can say is, eeeeu. And then I thought, why is there only a woman? Where's the man?? This chick had some serious nipples. The man TAM would have been interesting.
The other important thing I learned today was that men used to use Prostate Gland Warmers. This thing totally looks like a vibrator for men! Whoa! I guess a man would stick this up his anus and it would warm up to 100 degrees, stimulating the 'abdominal brain'. I've heard that men's brains are in their penises, but this was new to me. I hope they cleaned it well before they put it in this display.
The kids did have a lot of fun. There was this cool thing where air would shoot up these holes and you could hover ping-pong balls over them, making them float in mid-air. I thought Sullivan would 'twinkle' himself right out of the room. (this is one of Sullivan's many 'Sullyisms', he gets so excited that he just screws up his face and wiggles his fingers together--hard to explain, but the Twinkle is the perfect name for it) We climbed up into this old boat that was situated on the veranda (I love that word...don't know if it really fits here, but I'm using it!) of the museum, so you get an incredible view. That was quite cool. I was proud of myself, too, 'cuz it was a bit tight up there but I laughed in the face of claustrophobia and vertigo and just went on up. Then there was the tornado, the dino bones, lots of dead things in jars. It was a full day!

So tonight I shall relax, maybe with a little Lord of the Rings. We still need to finish Return of the King for the 20th time. Ahhh, yes... I think me, my husband and Legolas have a date. Woo!
I pried myself out of bed to get Kim for Coreboard this morning. Then this afternoon we had a family outing to the Science Museum. Yay! I'm a sucker for a Family Outing, especially an educational one. There were definitely some interesting things to be learned at the Science Museum. This TAM woman, for one. (see photo on right)

The kids did have a lot of fun. There was this cool thing where air would shoot up these holes and you could hover ping-pong balls over them, making them float in mid-air. I thought Sullivan would 'twinkle' himself right out of the room. (this is one of Sullivan's many 'Sullyisms', he gets so excited that he just screws up his face and wiggles his fingers together--hard to explain, but the Twinkle is the perfect name for it) We climbed up into this old boat that was situated on the veranda (I love that word...don't know if it really fits here, but I'm using it!) of the museum, so you get an incredible view. That was quite cool. I was proud of myself, too, 'cuz it was a bit tight up there but I laughed in the face of claustrophobia and vertigo and just went on up. Then there was the tornado, the dino bones, lots of dead things in jars. It was a full day!

So tonight I shall relax, maybe with a little Lord of the Rings. We still need to finish Return of the King for the 20th time. Ahhh, yes... I think me, my husband and Legolas have a date. Woo!
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