Cub Rage

I am the first to admit that I can be a real bitch. I sort of revel in that fact, as I was raised to be such a 'nice girl'. Back in my rock and roll days in Los Angeles, I actually considred it a compliment if I overheard that someone thought I was a bitch. Part of the rock and roll persona, of course, and I wanted to take that puppy on. (of course as soon as they actually met me and saw my damn dimples, the gig was up) Despite myself, however, I still feel that 'nice girl' backlash twinge sometimes when I do something bitchy. Not today.
This morning I was doing my weekly grocery shop at Cub Foods. (alas, I'm not allowed to shop exclusively at Byerlys...maybe someday...a girl can dream!) I was in a fine mood--I am one of those rare people who actually loves to grocery shop, and Sullivan is good company--until I got to the check-out line. I was helping the cashier find a coupon item, when the woman behind me pushed my cart forward with a huff. Now, my cart was in her way, and I would not have been miffed at all if she had moved it with a smile, or at least said something to me about it. It was the way she did it that really irked me. Whatever. I payed and proceeded to push my obtrusive cart back to the end where you bag your groceries. Sullivan was standing by the cart like he's been trained to do--such a good boy! There was PLENTY OF ROOM for Miss Huff to have her cart next to mine, but just to be a royal C, she had to move my cart about an inch. I think that's the point that steam started coming out of my ears.
Again, there is Cart Etiquette, people. At the time when you are using a cart, it is Your Cart. It is Your Property. If a person wants Your Cart in another place, a person should nicely ask for it to be moved, or nicely ask if they can move it a bit--don't you agree? Not only did it bug me that she moved it without even a glance in my direction, but Sullivan was hanging on to it and she didn't even regard HIM. You can mess with me, but NOT with my boy! I was in a quandry. I mean, the one bad thing about having kids is that you can't go off on people around them. Hmmm. One DOES want to be a good role model. I suppose any retaliation is not very 'Christian' of me...but then again, I am a Jewthran, so that's a good enough excuse for me to feel like I can make an exception every so often. Somewhere in my fuming fog, it hit me. After I finished putting my bags into My Cart, I went around to the front of it to push it away--all the while ever so nonchalantly pushing C's cart over a few inches with my hip. Ooooh, it was satisfying. Got my piece in, my son completely oblivious. I smiled all the way out, without looking back.
I know, I know, it's a minor thing in Bitch-dom. But we suburban mommies take what we can get.
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