Happy Monday! (I know you are grumbling right now) But I will say that's just another nice thing about being an at-home Metal Mommy...the days of the week are all the same. It doesn't matter if it's Monday or Sunday, my little alarm clock is waking me up at 7:00 and forcing me to start my day. Luckily, once I drag myself out of bed I actually do enjoy the mornings....I've become a morning person! Wow, certainly never would have foreseen that back in the Metal Days.
What a weekend! It was good all around. Friday we finally turned in our damn minivan, as it's 3 1/2 year lease was up. Minivan, so NOT metal! Whatever was I thinking?? It felt good to get that vehicle off of our patio and out of our checkbook. Now we are down to merely 3 cars. We'll be putting an ad in the paper for Coreman's 1996 Montero today--let me know if any of you are interested! :-)

Thanks to Cory's Mom, he now drives a Buick LeSabre, aka The Pimpmobile. (makes me think of Richard Scarry...but somehow I don't think he had one of those in his Cars and Trucks and Things That Go)

We both poo-poo any small car without 4 wheel drive, but I have to say, that thing has a nice ride. It was just a smart thing to do--no car payments, MUCH less to fill that sucker up with gas. Poor Coreman has to check his ego back at the door when he drives that car around town. Funny tho, how the older you get, the easier it is to do that!!! Especially when it's someone else that has to do it....thanks Coreman, since I still get to drive the Pathfinder....!!!
I spent Saturday getting some good cleaning and other things done around the house, and gearing up for
Stephanie's big party that night. What a night it was! Kim agreed to go to A's bat mitzvah's service with me, many of the people just went to the reception at Steph's house afterwards. But being the Jewthran that I am, I just had to go hang with my peeps for a bit!!! :-) It was an amazing service, so steeped in tradition. Lovely. We had a man sitting next to us giving us the lowdown on whatever was going on--he was much appreciated! At one point little bags of good smelling spices were passed around to everyone, to symbolize the end of the Sabbath--I literally had to bite my tongue from almost exclaiming to the man next to me, "This smells like Christmas!" He probably would not have agreed with me.
At Stephanie's house we met many of her family members and friends, that was great. It's so fun to see people that we've heard so much about! We chatted with Stu Williams, the Wine Genius, about being a guest on
Feminine Hijinx. He said something about having a wine tasting on the show--yikes! For someone who literally drinks half a glass the entire night, that could get ugly! But how fun, I've never done one of those. Kim and I closed out the evening as the last guests to leave, chatting with Stephanie. That's when the real party started--Stephanie literally fell out of her chair laughing, and there was much excitment in discovering a big spider above our heads that brave Steph eventually killed with her pump.
After falling into bed around 2:30 the night (or, morning?) before, I had to get up on Sunday and head to choich...couldn't skip out on this one, I had to teach Sunday School. (I still get a good laugh out of that) Char, my fellow puppeteer, was gone that day, so I was on my own. Luckily, it went smoothly. That afternoon I helped usher for the last performance of Jesus Christ Superstar, the play at the choich that Vivian has been in.

Whew, talk about emotional. Everyone gave their all in that performance. Normally I can keep the tears at bay, but not yesterday. I think it was the culmination of being overly-tired and feeling my daughter's sadness at the whole thing coming to an end. She looked so OLD to me up there, so beautiful. Sigh. (oh, and here's Jesus, not in his shroud but in casual clothes, taking a much needed break from crucifixion....)

So! A new week, a sunny Monday, Spring Break for Vivian. We're starting it off with a bang--Vivian's 10 year doctor appointment, Sullivan's first swimming lesson, and his friend Susie's birthday party. All things worth getting up for. Not exactly metal, but, just the way this Mommy likes it.