Happy Bad Saturday

Actually, it's been a very good Saturday. But what do you call the day after Good Friday? I suppose back in Jesus' day, this would have been a very bad Saturday indeed. According to the Christian faith, the poor guy must have still been suffering on that cross all day until he was 'risen' the next. Eeuuu, sort of a disturbing thought. It's disturbing to think they call the day that they nailed him up there Good Friday, anyway...but what do I know? Kim drove by a church yesterday that actually had LIVE people acting out the crucifixion...indeed there was a man hanging on a cross with people dressed in black praying on the ground below. EU. I especially love the mental picture of the fact that it was in the yard of a church right across from a Drive-In burger joint. "Hey Honey, Lookit. It's Jesus Christ on the cross. Pass me a corndog!" Hilarious. The whole thing is kind of like an interpretive dance. Everyone sits around watching feeling just a bit uncomfortable while they try to understand the true meaning of what the 'artist' is trying to get across. Or you are my husband, who just gets up and leaves. He probably would have done that at the Live Crucifixion. Renting "The Passion" would probably be enough 'real life' for me, and I haven't even done that yet. I guess hearing about it is enough!

Another good thing is that we got rid of both the riding lawn mower and the patio set today! We are replacing the patio set with a different set up--one that is easier maintenance and more of what we want. Woo! The lawn mower, whew, that's been a long time coming. TOO long of a story to go into here, but let's just say the people in the neighborhood who actually had the nuts to call and complain about the thing sitting on our front lawn all last spring and summer can breathe a sigh of relief. (ok, so maybe I was just a LITTLE happy that they had the City call to move it...I was tired of looking at it, myself) Plus I get to do a nice big I TOLD YOU SO to my husband, who insisted that just parking it on our yard without actually paying to put it in the paper was a good idea. :-) 2 days in the paper, and BAM. Gone. It's good to be right. :-)

Easter will be quiet for us this year, which is just fine. We'll have our Honeybaked Ham all to ourselves, and I'll probably have the New Potato Green Bean Salad (scroll down for recipe) of Stephanie's all to myself, too, since I'm the only one who will eat it. (Fools! But again, more for me!) Happy Easter and Happy Passover, everyone!!!
At 12:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a FUN read! Love your writing Suz, you brave little sis-chick! Talking about the neighbors having the 'nuts' to tell you to get rid of the lawnmower on the front lawn. Not to mention you're selling through the paper in just TWO days! Haha Cory?! LOL You drive me into a passion of laughter! Plus the kids look great in these photos! I miss them. Heck, I miss ALL of you! And what's this about you're new business card and the new business? Already forgot the name. Blame it on - boo hoo - menopause. Let's just call it now MENTALpause! love, Sis Cath
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