
Let me just say that great Rabbinical minds think alike. Or, great Rabbinical butts--eh Steph?? :-) Last night during the lastest Feminine Hijinx show, Stephanie and I both revealed surprises....and they were both Love's Baby Soft perfume!!!!!! Unbelievable, how many ways Stephanie and I are alike. Things are coming up all the time and we just shake our head and laugh. Of course with my brain being the way it is I can't think of anything right now, but there are many similarities. Oh, one was that we had the same Gunny Sax prom dress. Kind of scary. Last night Stephanie went a notch above and also pulled out Jean Nate--both of these fragrances we have reminisced and laughed about on previous podcasts. We all sprayed it on ourselves and I swear I can still smell it wafting up from the basement. Actually, Stephanie didn't even put any on herself, but I'm sure she still reeked just from being in the same vicinity. Cory came down at one point and choked--hilarious. I guess he wouldn't have wanted to be around me in Junior High then, since I practically bathed in the stuff. Ahhhh, memories.
Man, what a day! Another PERFECT day of spring. We all dragged our butts out of bed early this morning to get to Vivian's school for a family breakfast. Fun! Then Sullivan and I made our way over to my friend Lisa's house for some play! Sullivan and Quinn happily played out in the back yard, baby Auden napped, and Lisa and I sat in the sun and gabbed. Those are the days I especially love my job. :-) (sorry, Pat, but I had to do it!)
Unfortunately though, as much as it's killing me not to partake of gorgeous weather by being outside every moment, I can also barely keep my eyes open. Those nights with my ladies wear me out! (and I wouldn't have it any other way!!!) So, whilst Sullivan is at school and Vivian is with Cory at the 'Take Your Daughter to Work Day', I may just have to lay down for a little nap. The second best thing to being outside on a perfect day and watching your children happily play. Yeah!
At 7:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes! Great rabbinical minds do think alike...then they choke! Gasp!
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