Can I just say how impressed I am? My daughter had 5 girls over last night for a birthday/slumber party. Yes, they were loud, yes they were giggly--but I gave them a lights out at 1:00 AM (just call me June Cleaver with an iron fist)

and right around then, it got pretty quiet and I just heard the low drone of quiet talking above me (to be expected, of course!--I'm not THAT mean!) until probably around 2:00. Of course the goils were up at the crack of dawn--how the heck do they DO that?!--and they all padded downstairs for their morning cartoons. I giggled to myself as I frosted cinnamon rolls--don't be too impressed, they're Pop'N'Fresh...no June Cleaver there--and listened to them trying to decide on 'regular' TV or a movie, and then WHAT movie. 6 girls, trying to agree on something--not an easy task. They had a lot to choose from--Harry Potter, Shrek, Holes, Spongebob...but all of a sudden I heard the sweet sound of a single violin. The well-known tune of none other than "
Fiddler on the Roof". ! Whoa, talk about discriminating taste and culture at 7:00 AM! Impressive!
So, the girls will leave around 10:00, and I suppose I'll spend the rest of the day getting this house in some kind of order. Then around 5:00 Vivian and I will be heading over to the church, as I signed us both up for this month's youth event, "Mission Impossible". I have no clue what that entails, hopefully I'll just have to serve some pizza and that will be the extent of my job. I just hope we can both stay awake for it. Kim and Emily signed up, too. Should be interesting! I figured I should volunteer for at least ONE of these events, since they are always looking for parents to help out. This one was easy, all I have to do is walk a few feet to the church and I'm there. Talk about your Lazy Jewthran. Of course this is assuming that I won't have to be a part of whatever this Mission Impossible thing is. Oy. Now I'm a little afraid...!
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