I am a bad blogger. Not only have I not been writing as much lately, but I've had stuff going on and haven't been taking my camera to get photos of the happenings! For shame! Not that anyone enjoys my blog as much I do, of course, but there it is. Between writing in this one and helping Digby with his, it gets tough. For some odd reason if I haven't done an entry in a few days I feel pressured to do so. Why do we do this to ourselves?! Or, maybe it's only me....

Anyway, Phat Thunder needed some maintenance, so nice
Stephanie drove me both to drop off and pick up my car. A friend in need is a friend indeed! Last night was also my what-has-become annual jewelry sale at my friend Cyndy's Mary Kay party. I have to say, this may be my last. It's always fun to hang with the ladies, of course, but never a very good sale for me and since I'm not really doing much with the jewels these days, I may just stick to selling on ebay. Or my own holiday party every so often, when I am not the new mother of a puppy and have more time to make more stuff. But of course selling anything and hanging out with some peeps is never a waste of time...in fact my peeps Kim and Stephanie showed mercy and not only came to hang out but also bought some jewels! Thanks, girls!!!
Today was another busy day that started off with a lovely 'holiday bonding breakfast' at my friend Nancy's house--women and their daughters were invited. It was incredible breakfast food--yum yum, my fave--delicious coffee and Christmas tea

(Nancy's Christmas tea rocks, which reminded me that I need to make my batch! If anyone's interested in the recipe let me know and I'll post it!) and then settling down to watch "
The Polar Express". I had never seen it before and I was totally crying in my tea. What a great movie! Totally enough to get anyone out of their 'bah humbug' mood. I know it got mixed reviews, but I got past the creepy computerized faces pretty quickly and just really loved the schmaltzy story. Hey, if you can't get sappy at Christmas-time, when can you?! I think we need to own that one.
The rest of the day included the perusing of 2 different
Lulu and Luigi stores for the perfect walking/training device for Digby. Actually I started out in there with the idea of just getting Digs out on an outing and maybe getting a couple of stocking stuffers, but when I got the sad faces and heard horror stories about my 'Gentle Leader' I'm trying out on loan from the Humane Society, I of course got suckered into maybe looking

into buying a $70 harness/leash contraption instead. (it was DAMN cute, I have to say...the most promising one actually having an honest-to-goodness skull on it!) I don't know, I'm on the fence as to whether to go harness or Gentle Leader. (that's the muzzle-looking thing that's not a muzzle) Anybody out there have any opinions?
From there we went to Curl Up and Dye for both kids to get their hair cut. Yeah! Nothing like the fresh feeling of a fresh cut, even if it's on my kids instead of me. I even got meself a little fun purply-pink hair extension woven in--it's very subtle, just for kicky fun.
Whew! I'm a tired Metal Mommy. I'm ready for some nice relaxing by the warm electric fireplace--Sully had the good idea of that, hanging out naked in front of it after a bath. Of course I'll probably wear clothes.
Labels: blogging, Christmas tea, hair cut, harness, jewelry, Polar Express, Stephanie