The One Purse
"You know," started my revelation to my husband a few weeks ago," I can honestly say that at this moment, I don't want a new purse." This was a huge statement for me, considering I LOVE bags. I don't have a million of them, mind you, but I am a true believer that a woman can never have enough purses. There is one for every mood, every purpose. I dream about bags like Carrie Bradshaw dreams of shoes.
About half an hour after this statement was made, my friend Vicky came in for a visit. The statement I had made not so long before went completely out the window as I caught sight of her amazing tote. My eyes widened, my mouth salivated--it was the most incredible white patent leather purse I had ever seen. And of course it wasn't from Target or anything, Oh No. It was a Coach bag. Well, forget about it. I became obsessed. I knew it was beyond me, but as I gazed lovingly at the photo of it on the Coach site I discovered that the thing even came in BLUE. Not just any blue, but a cornflower-type blue patent leather. Can you stand it?? I know I can't. And poor Coreman. It became the constant joke. Anything he would bring up I would be like, "but does it come in blue patent leather?" Everything was about the One Purse--but quite honestly, I figured it was only a dream.
Last night we get home from church to open presents. At some point Cory hands me a note written by Sullivan with a clue on it, a scavenger hunt type game we often play around here. (it's very Scooby Doo, of course.) I think you can guess what
was on the bed in my room. The most beautiful brown box tied in magenta ribbon, just waiting to be opened. And inside....THE ONE PURSE TO RULE THEM ALL! I just stood there, with my hand over my mouth. I couldn't even open that box for the longest time--I just had to stand there and take it all in.
So, there it is. Is my husband not the best ever?! But like The One Ring, the purse is all-together evil, I'm afraid. Because a Coach wallet would sure look nice inside...ha! But a woman can not be greedy, oh no. (well she could, but she shouldn't be.) Maybe Target has some nice cheap faux patent leather? Nothing could top this Christmas present. Except maybe the husband that got it for me...:-)
About half an hour after this statement was made, my friend Vicky came in for a visit. The statement I had made not so long before went completely out the window as I caught sight of her amazing tote. My eyes widened, my mouth salivated--it was the most incredible white patent leather purse I had ever seen. And of course it wasn't from Target or anything, Oh No. It was a Coach bag. Well, forget about it. I became obsessed. I knew it was beyond me, but as I gazed lovingly at the photo of it on the Coach site I discovered that the thing even came in BLUE. Not just any blue, but a cornflower-type blue patent leather. Can you stand it?? I know I can't. And poor Coreman. It became the constant joke. Anything he would bring up I would be like, "but does it come in blue patent leather?" Everything was about the One Purse--but quite honestly, I figured it was only a dream.
Last night we get home from church to open presents. At some point Cory hands me a note written by Sullivan with a clue on it, a scavenger hunt type game we often play around here. (it's very Scooby Doo, of course.) I think you can guess what
So, there it is. Is my husband not the best ever?! But like The One Ring, the purse is all-together evil, I'm afraid. Because a Coach wallet would sure look nice inside...ha! But a woman can not be greedy, oh no. (well she could, but she shouldn't be.) Maybe Target has some nice cheap faux patent leather? Nothing could top this Christmas present. Except maybe the husband that got it for me...:-)
At 4:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
What a cool present. It fits you very well ;-)
Have a great time with it, while shopping...
Wishes you a happy New Year,
(already thought about any New-year's resolutions?)
At 5:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Suz,
As much as I love your bag...and believe me I DO...where is little Digby's blog?
We haven't heard from him in a week!!! My son misses reading about him!!! What's he up to???
I did go to the Coach website to check out that white patent bag. That sounds amazing. I couldn't find the bag but I did find a pair of super sexy espadrilles that I must have. Super cute!
It's not even New Years and I'm already shopping for Spring! So baaaaddddd!
At 7:33 PM,
Suz said…
Hi Donna! Yes, Digby has been SO busy he hasn't had time to blog! All of our company has just left today, so things should get back on schedule now. He will be so happy to know that he has such loyal readers. :-) In fact, I do believe he's posted a new one already...!
Thanks for the compliment on The One Purse! I loved the white one, too. Now I can dream about a wallet to go with it. ha! And the shoes...I know what you mean! I love the coach pumps that have the toggle type clasp thing in the front!!! Do you know what I mean?? Have you seen the Coach boots?! To die for!
As you can tell, I'm just as bad!!!!!!!!!!! Let me know if you get anything...;-)
At 7:34 PM,
Suz said…
Hey Rob! Thanks for the great compliment!!! :-) Hope you had a nice holiday...and Happy New Year to you as well!!!
Resolutions? Hmmm...I've never been much for those. Not that I don't need any, mind you...! I'll have to think about that one...! Maybe it will be in another blog posting??
At 8:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
Have I seen the Coach Boot??!!? Why yes I have! As a matter of fact I spend a large portion of my fall/winter clothing budget on a pair of tan boots with the toggle on the knee. The ones that were featured in their fall ads.
I love them so much I basically wear them everyday. Which is why I can justify the cost!!!! I am feeling very justified in my cost per wear equation.
Shoes, Handbags and Jewelry are my weaknesses. At least we can make our own jewelry, right??!!?
At 12:19 PM,
Suz said…
oh man, you have the boots. Nice! I, of course, covet the black ones. (it's the Metal Mommy in me) I totally agree, things like that are worth the cost when you love them so much and use them all the time. And quality certainly counts for a lot...the older I get the more I notice the difference. (did I say older?!)
I hear ya about the weakness part. I get more weak about girlie stuff as I get older. (there it is again.) Isn't that weird?! Believe it or not I only recently discovered Sephora and just about passed out in there!!!
Making jewelry definitely has it's advantages!!! Also having a sister in the fine jewelry business...between her and my own stuff, I'm pretty covered there. :-) I would LOVE to see your stuff in you ever do shows? If so you should let me know when and where!
Take care-Susie
At 5:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Suz,
Thanks for the best wishes!
Yeah, my holiday is going very well. Actually, I got a full week remaining... so I'm still busy updating my website (haven't had time for it in the past 5 months).
Ohh, and my sis had a nice birthday too. She got a new homecinema-set. What a blast! :-D
I never made any resolutions, but probably you do (though I don't think you need 'em). That's why I was asking -- so think about it... ;-)
Btw, when can I enjoy myself with a new FH podcast? I guess you got loads of interesting things to talk about with the ladies...
At 5:32 PM,
Suz said…
Glad you had a nice holiday, Rob. Funny you should ask about the podcast--we're getting it up there tonight!!! Thanks!--Suz
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