Bring On the Snow Already!
Well, for a fleeting moment it was a sleeting moment. It actually stuck, all 10 flakes of it. We want snow! It's hard to feel X-mas-y without snow, and so far it's only been butt-cold without any of the white stuff. Cold is only worth something if you get
some snow. Don't get me wrong, I hate to shovel, and come March I'll be soooo tired of it I'll want to move to a desert isle. But really, I RARELY have to shovel anyway because my husband does most of the dirty's the only benefit to having a bad back. So bring it on!!!! I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...(and so is Digby...)
At 3:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, you already got some winter atmospheres... It all sucks here: it's like autumn, waaaay too hot for wintertime. It actually hasn't frozen at all here (we broke some temperature-records, rates we haven't had in the past 300 years...). It's raining quite a lot, and the only snow we had, was in the beginning of this year...
Damn this climate-changing weather :-/
I'm dreaming too about a white Christmas. It has been a few years ago since that happened.
At 6:07 AM,
I dreaming of a cold christmas, snow would be a miracle! (So. Cal) except in the mountains, but the tourist..yuk, oh well, we're getting rain this weekend! maybe I can use my imagination, think coollll!
At 9:09 PM,
Suz said…
Man, it seems like we are all dreaming of snow. Just who is getting any? (snow that is, gentlemen, snow.)
Robottony, I remember LA weather quite well...sunny and hot, sunny and hot. zzzzzz. I remember being so excited when it rained!!!
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