Nothing like having your day started by being yelled at by some uppity Mom in a Lexus at your son's new school. I was innocently ignoring the 'no parking sign' to quickly run my son in--although of course I know I'm 'breaking the law' by doing so, who can resist that little face needing his Mommy?? This and the fact that I've seen many other moms doing this very same thing got me out of my car and heading into the school, only to hear a loud blaring horn accompanied by a loud blaring voice behind me. Long story short, this woman started off by saying," What makes you so special that you think you can ignore the sign? Can't you read??" uh, hello. This woman was totally ranting, it was actualy hilarious. She even asked me who Sullivan's teacher was so she could report her, since she had told me it was okay to do just what I was doing. Like I

was going to tell some crazy lady with obvious anger management issues where my son is every day??? (that's one of those things I wish I had said to this woman at the moment, but alas, I was too shocked by the fact that she was yelling at me to be witty) I have to say it did make me think twice about the kind of 'burb we are going to be living in, after I went into the classroom and upon telling the teacher who was completely aghast at the story and hearing another mom close by describing this woman to a tee and saying that she also yelled at a friend of hers for the same thing, I felt better. You have to feel sorry for a person like that, really--imagine going through life known as a complete B?? OK, sometimes that's a good thing, not in this case!
Not only did I myself need to rant about this thing because these kinds of confrontations always make me uneasy and angry for quite some time after, but it also makes me want to get a point across...when are people going to learn that someone is much more likely to listen to what you have to say if you are NICE about it? Elementary School 101, people. If this woman is truly worried about the safety of our children, then more power to her. But she could easily say in a nice voice, "I'm sorry, but did you realize that you aren't supposed to park here? I know it's a pain but I am worried about the safety of the kids. Maybe you could park over *there* if you have to run in? Thanks!" Wow, now wouldn't that have made both of our days so much nicer? But of course I have a sneaking suspision that the safety of the children really isn't her main concern, I think it's just plain trying to make herself heard in a world where she must not get that very often. I drove away looking at yet another empty car parked in the circle wishing she were still there so I could point and say, "SEE!" I'm sure she wished she had seen that too, yet another innocent soul to pounce upon to make her feel worthy. I promise when I have my Cadillac I will NOT act that way...ha!
OK! Enough ranting. I have yet another lovely day ahead of me--I may even go shoe shopping. A girl needs a new pair of fall shoes, that's just all there is to it. I am loving the glossy patent leather pumps that are in style right now--that candy apple red color is to die for. So is the sparkly pewter! ooooh! How is a girl to decide? The nice thing is that I have great

boots, shoes, and tennies so really I only need one pair of funky fun shoes this season to rock my
Silpada parties. Need, she says. heh.
And as a matter of fact, I just happen to have a Silpada party tonight! At
Stephanie's house! WOO! I can't wait, what fun that will be. Stephanie could be pushing Life Insurance Policies at her house and it would still be a fun party. That girl knows how to entertain and of course you can't get better company. So I'm very much looking forward to that!
Labels: Silpada, Stephanie