(not the most attractive photo of me, but at over-40, I just don't give a shinola anymore! yeah!)
Ah yes, the school year has begun indeed, which means weekly coffee dates once again with Stephanie--and now Kim!!--and Metal Mommy gets to go shopping. I had a couple of gift cards burning a hole in Ms. Coach and of course now that I'm free to take all the time I need (well, at least of a 6 hour day) to contemplate
Gap Classic boot cut jeans or Curvy fashion ones, I'm going to take advantage. And here's some good news, at least to Metal Mommy who has had 2 kids me...the rise of jeans is

rising once again. Oh, you can still get the low-rise, but now you have a choice of low, mid or high. I'm not a high-rise jeans type person, but middle is JUST right. No more Muffin Top! Wooo! Unless you are a total Skinny Minnie, low rise jeans definitely give you the dreaded Muffin Top, Bacon Belt, whatever you want to call it. Whatever it is you call it, it's not attractive, so this is a very good thing. I guess fashion had to make up for Wide Leg pants that are now in style--had to throw us shorties who wouldn't be caught dead in such things a bone. I mean, isn't that Wide Leg pant thing what rebel kids wear in Junior High and High School, along with pants that hang down past their butts?? Well, I guess one way to get them to stop rebeling with them is to make them fashionable. We practically had the butt thing going with those low-rise jeans.

But enough about fashion! (for now.) After a bit of a rough start, school is now going fabulously for both kids. They are getting into their grooves, thank goodness. Here's a nice photo of Sullivan looking pretty relaxed at his new desk. No worries there!
Into a busy weekend ahead with a goumet dinner and a
Silpada Jewelry party. Yay!
Labels: Gap, gourmet dinner, Kim, Silpada, Stephanie, Sullivan
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