My little inventor. Sullivan's school had it's annual "Imagination and Inventor's Fair" last night. The cutest. The kids can enter anything their little brains can dream up--and of course every year there are at least 2 erupting volcanos. (Vivian had one of those in the past!) Sullivan came up with the idea of The Flying Box, a box that can fly anywhere in the world. With a *little* help from his dad, he had transformed a simple dog kennel into quite the contraption for he and Digby to travel the world in--complete with switches, maps, food dishes and of course a plunger to steer. He had a list of places he wanted to go...of course most kids probably would have said Disneyland, Grandma's house...not my Sully. His list included Algeria (to see the Sahara Desert, of course!), Italy, Oman, (?!) and even McDonald island, which I learned is not a place full of cheeseburgers, but a teeny island near Antarctica. huh. Who knew?! Sullivan also wrote a story to tell a bit about his adventures, so people could get a good idea of what it really was. I just have to share--Sullivan told me the story, and I just typed up what he said:
One time Sully and Digby went in a box to fly to somewhere. The box was very special because it could fly anywhere they wanted.
Digby looked around the box. He sniffed, too. Then Sully turned on all of his switches. Engine One, Engine Two, Engine Three, and he turned on the switch with the rockets. With the rockets burning and the lights on, Here we come around the

Digby was very excited to look out the window, and he did. Digby saw mountains down there. They were flying over the whole arctic. Sullivan said, “Hold on, Digby, we’re coming into a landing!”
“Let’s look around”, said Sullivan. So they looked around the arctic. They saw penguins and polar bears. One fierce looking polar bear headed straight toward them! “Ahh, quick! To our flying box!” said Sullivan. “Come on, Digby!” So they rushed in the flying box as fast as they could. They rushed away from the arctic. “Let’s go to a desert,” Sullivan said.
So they went to the Sahara desert in Algeria. They saw big rocks of sand. So the two little mountain climbers climbed up one of those rocks. They slid down the other side. “Weeee! What fun!”, said Sullivan.
When they got back to Minnesota they landed right in front of a sewer. “Let’s go inside!” said Sullivan. So the two went inside the sewer. “Yuck,” said Sullivan when some squishy mold dropped on his hand. They saw tarantulas in there, Huntsman spiders, and wolf spiders. “Let’s get out of here!” So they rushed back to their box. “Let’s go home.” So they went back home with their Mom.

(he just HAD to put the spiders in there! ug!) Is my boy clever, or what?! It was quite the hit, although of course kids were looking all over for Digby himself who was quite pooped out from all of his adventuring and stayed at home. A big thanks to his loving Daddy who spent so much time and energy working with Sullivan on this project. You gotta love it when the man says, "let me do this one". ahhhh.
Maybe next year I should enter my flying box...*gasp*! Did I say that?! ;-)
Labels: Flying Box, Imagination Inventor's Fair, Sullivan