What do starting a new business, interviewing for a possible position on radio, taking kids to and from camps and lessons, and getting ready to put a house on the market so one can buy the house of their dreams have in common? Nothing at all, but they are all components of my crazy life right now. Hence why I have not been blogging! Not that I don't want to share the news, oh no...it's just that some things are up in the air, and quite frankly the thought of trying to organize it all in writing has been overwhelming. It's been hard enough to organize it all in my LIFE....
But I'm not complaining! It's all good. The kids are having a good summer with their activities, as they should. We've been enjoying our Rec Center pool a lot in his HOT weather, and being there is always like being a party with neighborhood friends. I don't think I've ever gone to that pool and not seen ONE person that I know or at least recognize.

Remember how I attended my friend Pam's
Silpada Jewelry party about a month ago and casually mentioned that even though they seemed fun, Home Party Girl was just not me? Well, I guess it is. I can't quite even explain how or why it happened, but I found myself on the Silpada web site just poking around and reading up about it, and the more I read, the more excited I got at the thought that maybe I COULD do something like that. Again, I don't fancy myself as Susie Sales, but what's great about it is the jewelry really does sell itself. It is gorgeous, and so much fun to wear! At a party all I do is set up
my baubles on a table, no presentation or anything. Just chatting, gabbing, getting girlie with women-folk. What's not to love about that?! OK, calling up your friends and practically begging them to host yet another home party for you can be a little daunting...but at the same time, why not? They get free jewels out of the deal, I get to hang out with them for an evening. It's a win-win. I figure once I work out of my circle of friends, there will be no more Pity Parties. And you know, there is nothing wrong with learning how to ask for something. That's something I haven't always been good at, and in the words of Loreal hair color, I'm worth it! So are you. So I've been busy as a bee learning the ropes and getting everything set up to go. My first party will be up at the resort we're getting ready to take off to! Oh, did I mention in the midst of everything we are also trying to plan our cabin vacation???
Meeting with the program director (and assistant) of a radio station, you say? And that's all I'm going to say. Mostly because I don't even know the details, to be be honest. But you will know when I do....:-)
A new house! I love my house, don't get me wrong. I love living where we do, I'm thankful for all that we have. But sometimes you reach a point where you realize that you could probably get more for your money if you just get that much farther from the big city. Only 5 minutes farther, really. On a whim because it would be fun--ever since I fell in love with Fairy-Tale house that is totally out of reach--we decided to just see what was out there, and before we knew it we had walked into our dream house. A dream house that could possibly become a reality....if it stays on the market as long as we have ours on to sell, that is. The sad fact is the people won't accept a contingent offer right now, so we're scrambling. I'm trying really hard to just say 'whatever will be, will be', it's really all we can do....but that's tough. Both Cory and I, and even our realtor, gasped and/or screamed as we rounded each corner of this place, knowing then and there that this was Our New Home. Time will tell, I suppose....but anyone that knows me knows that I am not a patient person!!! Keep your fingers crossed for us, please!
So nearing my birthday month here, I'd say 40 is going to go out with a bang, wouldn't you? Whew!
Labels: new house, radio, Silpada Jewelry