You know it is truly spring when you don't even mind picking up poop in your back yard. Yes, at 62 degrees and sunny, it is INDEED spring. Wahoo! The kids have a couple of days off because of school conferences and they couldn't have picked better ones weather-wise. Yesterday we took a big long walk down to the park, Digby and all. He was amazing--he's come a long way in the walking department. He used to only get a few steps from our house then look back at it and whine. Not anymore! We played at the park, explored some trails behind it and came out into another park. There and back again! That's my kind of adventure.

This morning our house was blessed by Cooper-doo's presence, and he had quite an adoring audience. This afternoon, just chillin' and pickin' up poop. Life is (mostly!) good. (considering picking up poop isn't exactly a pleasurable experience..!)
Labels: Cooper, Digby, poop, spring
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