My Field of Dreams
Question for you...have you given much thought to your 'Field of Dreams' lately? No, not the corn field that you could turn into a ball field in your back yard...the Field of Dreams is the title I've given to my list of things I'd most like to do in my life. For me it's been number one on my mind recently, an obsession if you will. (me? Obsess???) For whatever reason--40, the on-coming spring (which of course means new beginnings), my son soon to be in all-day school--I feel like I must be having a mid-life crisis or something, just craving something I can call my own. Oh, of course I love being an at-home Mom and wouldn't have it any other way--but, it's time. And of course I only want the perfect that is creative, not stagnant, challenges me, and not 9-5. (I do want to be home when my kids get home from school.) Is that too much to ask? I've often heard when you are trying to 'figure out who you are', you should write down anything that comes to your mind, no matter how crazy or impossible it seems. So here is my list:
1) My ultimate number one job would be to have my own View-like talk show. It wouldn't have to be national, I'd settle for
something local only. :-) I can't imagine anything more fun than getting paid to hang with some cool women (and of course it would be women that I choose!!), chat with interesting
guests, report on the goings-ons of celebrities and things around the world/my city. I love the hustle bustle and ultimate primping that goes along with show business.
2) In this vein I would like to take my talk to the radio. Ever since I started Feminine Hijinx I've had the broadcasting bug...and getting into the final 10 of fm107's Undiscovered Divas and doing a one hour live spot made it so close...but yet, since Kim and I didn't win the grand prize, so far. For a while I was pretty bummed about that and not feeling very inspired, but recently I've decided I'm not going to give up that easily!
3) I'd love to write a column for a magazine or web site, or a blog for that matter. I don't care what it's about, just let me write! As you can probably tell, I LOVE to write. Getting paid to ramble on and on would just be so cool, woudn't it???
4) I've written a children's book called "Sugar and Spice" that maybe someday I'll get off my keester and work a little harder on getting published. That is such a daunting task for me. Like most creative people I'm sure, creating is the easy part--it's the marketing and homework-doing that's required to actually make something happen with it that is so difficult. I started
an audio recording of it that I thought I'd use to release myself and maybe shop around to publishers, but that soon got over-shadowed by Warbride. Now that Warbride seems on hold indefinitely, I need to get back to that.
So much to think about, so little time! But it's fun to dream, isn't it? For me it's all about taking that big step back into the work-world after so much time off with my kids, knowing that the world really is my oyster, and where do I begin? Maybe for you you are already working/doing something that you enjoy but would like to explore more. With my new-found 40
metal attitude, I've decided I don't want to just dream anymore and I want to take steps to coming as close to my dreams as possible. Who knows what will happen, but it sure is fun and satisfying to be trying. I have to give a big thanks to my new friend Donna who has given me such a (loving!) kick-in-the butt. I'm telling you, an inspiring friend can go a long, long way. I am so lucky to have inspiring and supportive friends and family in my life. A cheering section on the sidelines of your field really can keep you motivated!
G-d, I sound like a Life Coach or something. (which is actually something ELSE I've thrown around in my head!!!) But this is what has been on my mind lately, and lucky you faithful and curious readers have to be privy. Now go out there and till your field!
1) My ultimate number one job would be to have my own View-like talk show. It wouldn't have to be national, I'd settle for

2) In this vein I would like to take my talk to the radio. Ever since I started Feminine Hijinx I've had the broadcasting bug...and getting into the final 10 of fm107's Undiscovered Divas and doing a one hour live spot made it so close...but yet, since Kim and I didn't win the grand prize, so far. For a while I was pretty bummed about that and not feeling very inspired, but recently I've decided I'm not going to give up that easily!
3) I'd love to write a column for a magazine or web site, or a blog for that matter. I don't care what it's about, just let me write! As you can probably tell, I LOVE to write. Getting paid to ramble on and on would just be so cool, woudn't it???
4) I've written a children's book called "Sugar and Spice" that maybe someday I'll get off my keester and work a little harder on getting published. That is such a daunting task for me. Like most creative people I'm sure, creating is the easy part--it's the marketing and homework-doing that's required to actually make something happen with it that is so difficult. I started
So much to think about, so little time! But it's fun to dream, isn't it? For me it's all about taking that big step back into the work-world after so much time off with my kids, knowing that the world really is my oyster, and where do I begin? Maybe for you you are already working/doing something that you enjoy but would like to explore more. With my new-found 40
G-d, I sound like a Life Coach or something. (which is actually something ELSE I've thrown around in my head!!!) But this is what has been on my mind lately, and lucky you faithful and curious readers have to be privy. Now go out there and till your field!
Labels: Feminine Hiinx, Field of Dreams, fm107, Life Coach, Sugar and Spice, the View
At 1:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh Suz! ;) My friend you are soooo amazing !!! Go GET those dreams!!!
At 6:31 PM,
Suz said…
Awww, I'm *blushing*. ;-) Thanks, my dear.
At 3:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
First, to answer your question, No, I've not been thinking about my 'Field of Dreams' the past weeks/months. I really don't have any serious dreams. I got some things which I just want to do (and what will happen), but my future will be pretty unknown in general. I will see what crosses my path...
So, what are the things I want to do? well first I'm gonna finish college within a couple of months (I'll be a -Bachelor- Civil Engineer then, hehe). But what will be next? Working, university or another study? I've still no idea...
An other thing I want to do, is visiting Norway (or Sweden) at summerholidays. That country (or just Scandinavia) seems so fascinating to me. I had that plan already last year, but the schedule (and parents) bugged me. First need to gather some money -- hey, Norway IS really expensive -- and then I hope to let that dream come true...
It's nice that you've written a children's book. Just like Madonna, go spread it ;-)
And I hope your dream about having a show will come true one day. You gained a least some experience in the last years with Feminine Hijinx and Undiscovered Divas, I guess...
Hugs, and take care,
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