Make-Up Bondage
So I go into Macy*s yesterday to replace my almost-empty (at least I think it's almost empty...those damn flesh colored pump bottles make it impossible to tell, I just kind of guessed by the fact it was feeling light and it farted at me last time I squirted a little on the back of my hand...) HG (holy grail) of foundations, the Lancome Renergie Lift Make-Up, and I am pleasantly
surprised with being greeted by a 'Free Gift' display at the counter. Nice. Rarely am I lucky enough to run out of something just at the right Free Gift time--it normally pops up right AFTER I've been there.
The Gift is quite generous--my choice of 3 different little make-up bags, all filled with the same stuff. An eyeshadow 'quad' (which I have to say looks amazingly like the last Free Gift quad that was given out sometime over the summer), a mascara, a lipstick that I'll actually use, (although it does have a bit of that old-lady lipstick smell. One of the reasons I buy most of my lipsticks at Mac.) an eyelash curler that I probably will never use, some eye make-up remover, and a small jar of moisturizing cream.
I was curious about that cream. I've come a long way with my facial accoutrements, spent a lot of time trying this and that and getting it just right, that I don't try new skin-care things lightly. It smelled good, I liked the consistency. I decided to look it up on line to find out just what I was supposed to do with the stuff and what exactly it's supposed to do for me. Let's see here...oooh! It: "...fights visible effects of age and hormonal changes." Right on, I'm there. " regains youthful substance, firmness, and radiance – as if signs of aging are visibly repaired." Bring it on! "Visible Repair: Wrinkles appear reduced. 85% experience improved elasticity and firmness. Intense Moisture: 91% feel skin is nurtured. Re-plumped with life. Clarity: A radiant, even skin tone is revealed." Dang, this stuff even has wild yam in it. (the sweet potatoes...!) And it's only....wha?? $108.00??!! That's almost as much as the latest Coach spring/summer bag I have my eye on, and they want me to use this on my face every day? Grief.
I never used to care much about make-up. (check out that hair-do!) Back in the day I never would have dreamed about using foundation--it didn't fit the whole rock and roll death look I was going for. A little powder, absolutely NO blush (again, too life-like for rock and roll) tons of black eye liner and the finishing touch of some bright red or purple lipstick. I splurged on lipstick from Aveda, but everything else could be bought at your
local Walgreens. Of course back then youth didn't come from a bottle, and I WANTED to look made up. (there's Lori and I back in the day-ha!) Now I'm spending out the wazoo to give the illusion that I don't have much on. Oh, the irony. And it's all so addicting! What starts as a Free Gift here and there becomes an obsession for that beautiful sparkly eyeshadow that looks almost identical to the one you just thew away because you found you never used it. Craziness I tell you, craziness!
I can only hope I don't end up liking this moisturizer. So does my husband, I'm sure. You men out there, you're so damn lucky!

The Gift is quite generous--my choice of 3 different little make-up bags, all filled with the same stuff. An eyeshadow 'quad' (which I have to say looks amazingly like the last Free Gift quad that was given out sometime over the summer), a mascara, a lipstick that I'll actually use, (although it does have a bit of that old-lady lipstick smell. One of the reasons I buy most of my lipsticks at Mac.) an eyelash curler that I probably will never use, some eye make-up remover, and a small jar of moisturizing cream.
I was curious about that cream. I've come a long way with my facial accoutrements, spent a lot of time trying this and that and getting it just right, that I don't try new skin-care things lightly. It smelled good, I liked the consistency. I decided to look it up on line to find out just what I was supposed to do with the stuff and what exactly it's supposed to do for me. Let's see here...oooh! It: "...fights visible effects of age and hormonal changes." Right on, I'm there. " regains youthful substance, firmness, and radiance – as if signs of aging are visibly repaired." Bring it on! "Visible Repair: Wrinkles appear reduced. 85% experience improved elasticity and firmness. Intense Moisture: 91% feel skin is nurtured. Re-plumped with life. Clarity: A radiant, even skin tone is revealed." Dang, this stuff even has wild yam in it. (the sweet potatoes...!) And it's only....wha?? $108.00??!! That's almost as much as the latest Coach spring/summer bag I have my eye on, and they want me to use this on my face every day? Grief.

I can only hope I don't end up liking this moisturizer. So does my husband, I'm sure. You men out there, you're so damn lucky!
At 2:57 PM,
Anonymous said…
My gosh, what a photos! :-0
You (and Lori) must be proud of those, hehe...
Btw, as long you're enjoying the addiction, go for it -- even you don't need it.
Hugs, Rob.
At 4:50 PM,
Suz said…
Yeah, I thought those old photos might wake up a few of you out there bored to tears with my make-up rant. Ha!
You are too sweet.
Oh--and I forgot that we had put a block on our FH comments in case of Spam...but I turned it off, so comment away, if you so desire.
At 6:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, I really like those old shots! I guess I was a very young kid at that time ;)
Nah it's okay, Suz. And 'desire' is a big word in this context. I guess you three read the comments I leave in here, and else you can tell Kim & Stephanie...
I find putting the text in twice, a bit too much of it all -- it wasn't that important after all. Just let's block spam again...
And now off to bed (it's past 1am here)
Cheerio, Rob.
At 6:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Suz!!!!
As your newest friend I feel the need to tell you (before you spend the big bucks on that wonderful cream) that a recent study revealed that the "Oil of Olay" product for skin repair for aging was the most effective on the market.
Yes the cheapest brand beat out the "expensive brands" .
I will see if I can track that down before Macy's separates you from your cash.... :)
At 9:34 PM,
Suz said…
Ahhh, it's good to have girlfriends. :-) I think I have actually heard something about that...and I certainly have nothing against cheapo brands...nothing beats my Cetaphil for washing my face!
Thanks for looking out for me, my dear. But hey, you can't beat a Coach, eh?? ;-) (I still have to see your boots...!)
At 3:42 AM,
yeah a Warbride pic, I remember her, she rocked she jammed she made you want to write bad checks and tear stainless steel with your bare hands, and it's very cool that she turns into women like you, guys are very lucky :)
At 9:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh and that Coach for Spring....totally cute and absolutely worth it!!! :)
At 1:21 PM,
Suz said…
Well, Robottony, I am *blushing*. I don't know if there could be a higher compliment that to know I could inspire someone to write a bad check. :-)
At 1:22 PM,
Suz said…
You know it, Donna! We could all get one in all of the various colors....!!!
At 5:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Suz!
This is Eva from Spain (
I have to say I loved the old pics, you both look veeery 80's :-)
I can't wait to listen to the new Warbride songs, really!!
You girls rock.
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