Happy, happy birthday to my sweet, clever, amazingly smart and loving little boy! Hard to believe he's six. Six! There's something about passing that 'five' age that just seems so BIG. Sullivan was up bright and early asking if he looked any different. :-) I brought him to school with his birthday treat--blueberry cupcakes!! Most kids would want something laden with sugar like cupcakes or cookies, but that's my unpredictable son for you. He's my box of chocolates--you never know what you're gonna get.

We had a great bowling party yesterday at Park Tavern, complete with gutter guards and ramps to let the balls down. That's my kind of handicap. ( I like to tell myself that banking the ball off the gutter guard in just the right way is a skill in itself.) The kids all seemed to have a good time bowling, eating pizza and cake, and pulling the strings on the car pinata. Well, I guess I can say that Sullivan had a good time pulling the strings on the car pinata since he was the only kid to do it. Being the birthday boy he of course got the first turn...and on that first turn he hit the jackpot and opened it up! Why do I feel like I got cheated out of a $20 pinata?! How very 21st Century, really...instant gratification!
Tonight Sullivan's request was Chuck E Cheese. sigh. What will make it more tolerable is Coreman's genius idea that we will

eat dinner here and then just go to play. Less worrying I have to do about the transfering of germs as they go from touching those games that every kid has just touched after wiping their snotty noses or poopy bottoms without washing their hands to eating bad pizza. shudder. We are already treating the kid for strep throat, we don't need some other bug on top of that. You've gotta love birthdays during the cold and flu season.
Labels: Chuck E Cheese, Park Tavern, Sullivan
At 1:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
Congratulations with the Birthday of your son, Susie. It seems he had an unforgettable day. Well done ;-)
And just remember, it's only once a year, haha...
And to make also a small note to your previous post. It's good to see there's another rockchick around in your family. Pump the volume up ;-)
Whooh, it seems like Spring has seriously started here. A clear blue sky today. Awesome :-)
Hugs, Rob.
(I'm also gonna listen to your new FH-podcast tonight...)
At 9:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Sully!
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