That's One Hot Turkey

Wow. The day it's 79 degrees in March here in Minnesota is the day a wild turkey runs through your suburban yard. Oh wait...I guess the high really WAS a balmy 79 and we really DID have a wild turkey bolt through our yard! I kid you not, we were sitting having dinner and Digby let out a chuff--not too unusual, he's found his voice lately and barks a bit at passerby or random people coming to the door (it's so cute!)-- and there he was, Mr. Tom Turkey, looking like a little dinosaur as he jogged by. Hilarious! I don't know why but it really hit my funny-bone. It was so random! Unfortunately I couldn't get to my camera fast enough, so you'll have to gaze at this stock shot of a turkey instead of the real thing. We watched him go down a few yards and then he was out of sight. Good luck, Tom! I hope no one decides they want to gobble you up for their Easter dinner!!
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