Well, I am truly a LOTR freak--I just signed an online petition to get them to make a film version of The Hobbit. As you all know, the movie trilogy was made from the JRR Tolkien books and to put it lightly, I am a fan. There were rumors way back when Return of the King was made that Peter Jackson would go back to the beginning and also do The Hobbit, complete with the same actors from the first three movies. Of course I've been chomping at the bit, and was a bit disappointed when I heard Jackson's next project was not Tolkien's first 'ring' book, but
King Kong. (I never did see King Kong, and heard it wasn't all that great.)
Ahhhh, Lord of the Rings. It's hard to explain why it speaks to me so. I had tried to read "The Hobbit" back when I was young, and could never get into it so I didn't get very far. When the first movie came out, "The Fellowship of the Ring", I ended up renting it on DVD and it totally blew my socks off. I ran right out and bought all of the books, starting with "The

Hobbit". I had to know the story from the very beginning! Ever since then, I may be living here in 21st century America, but my heart is in Middle Earth. I'm not quite sure why, either...I mean, Middle Earth was full of totally creepy things like Orcs and *gulp* giant spiders. But that story totally spoke to me at that time in my life. It's definitely a story of hope and victory against all odds. Of the smallest of beings being able to do the biggest of things. It's a story of undying friendship, of people that work together and stand by each other, people that will go there with you even if it means

you'll be going through darkness and despair. And a story about how all of these little things various people do all fit together like a giant puzzle to create a masterpiece. Oh, and of course, who wouldn't want to be with an elf?! (especially if he looks like Orlando?!)
When the movies were done, I was so depressed. When I finished the entire extended version of Return of the King, I was devastated! I even put off watching the very last part of the 'behind the scenes' of that final DVD collection as long as I could so it wouldn't officially be over. So, if you care at all for the movie or me, sign the
petition to get The Hobbit made! :-) I promise I won't tell anyone.
At 7:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
ok, I did it.......uuuugh I must really like you!
:0) Kim
At 7:53 PM,
Suz said…
OMG, you did?? I love it! You MUST really love me, considering you haven't even seen the movies...!! Maybe we should take care of that this weekend?! ;-)
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