Size Doesn't Matter, Indeed!
HA! I see I'm not the only one protesting poor Pluto's demotion from it's planetary status. This is such a hot debate, even five year old Sullivan and his friend Elliot were arguing about it the other morning. Darcie and I entered Sullivan's room to their cries, of, "Pluto!" "Dwarf!" "Pluto!" "Dwarf"! Hilarious.

Well, happy Labor Day weekend, everyone. It's supposed to rain the whole time here, but so far it's only been cloudy and cool. I went for a nice run around Lake Harriet this morning, and this afternoon--podcast!!!!! WOO! This is new for us, a podcast in the afternoon. It just worked out the best that way with our schedules. Should be interesting, having a little brewski during the day. I'll be asleep by 7:00.

Well, happy Labor Day weekend, everyone. It's supposed to rain the whole time here, but so far it's only been cloudy and cool. I went for a nice run around Lake Harriet this morning, and this afternoon--podcast!!!!! WOO! This is new for us, a podcast in the afternoon. It just worked out the best that way with our schedules. Should be interesting, having a little brewski during the day. I'll be asleep by 7:00.
At 11:49 AM,
Bobby said…
I landed here at random by hitting the 'NEXT BLOG' button. Nice blog. I heard that if you moved Pluto closer to the sun - like into Mercury's current position - it would melt. It doesn't matter. I still like Pluto.
At 11:52 AM,
Suz said…
Hey, thanks Bobby. Interesting info about Pluto, and not surprising. I wonder if they'll ever recognize the planet I'm on?!
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