Ahh, the rain gods did indeed keep the rain to a sprinkle all night for our outing at the State Fair! There was much fun to be had, as usual. Vivian's art got into the fair for the second year in a row, with the Honorable Mention. Amazing!!! And there is not much better than looking at the sheer delight in your child's face when they are on a ride. (and knowing that THEY are the ones on the ride, and not YOU.) Man, I used to love those things. It IS a bit

depressing that I can't stomach them anymore. Ah well, just another instance where I can live it again through my

children. :-) I do love to walk through the midway at night, and see all of the lights. Magical. Brings back memories, fo sho.
And speaking of memories, can I remember the last 40 years that have passed as of today? Unfortunately, not much of them. Man, I have such a terrible memory. A guy just emailed me who claims that back in the rock and roll day he asked me to his prom (!) and instead I invited him back to my apartment to hang out with me and the Rand, my guitar player of the Charm

School Dropouts. Huh?! Terrible, I have no clue who this guy is and no memory of that incident. Don't get me wrong, I did my share of partying, but believe it or not I did keep that to a minimum so I don't blame that for the memory loss. Just lost brain cells, I guess. As the Sambone would say, Crazy, man.
But yes, today is The Day. I am officially 40, officially Middle Aged. eeeek. I've always been fascinated with things of the Middle Ages, but this is ridiculous. Actually, it's embarrassing now that this is the day, telling everyone it's my birthday. Pretty funny since it's all I've talked about for the past 9 months. Ha!
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