Calm Before the Storm
Happy Sunday of Labor Day Weekend. It's a gloomy day here in the Park, but it's been a nice, relaxing day. We have no real plans for the weekend, which is kind of nice. Sort of a nice calm-before-the-storm, storm meaning the start of another school year. This year I'll have every morning to myself, with Sullivan going off to Kindergarten! Weird! I'm looking forward to that, of course. I mean, I'll miss my little man being around, but it will give me some more time to work on my own stuff. I can write more music for my online business, Mod Pod Music, which will provide theme songs for people's podcasts. I can go back to working on my Sugar and Spice story, and hopefully get some more Warbride work done. Plus I'll be making some jewelry for a holiday party. Of course I suppose I'll have to start thinking of things I can do that will actually make REAL money at some point--like possibly get a REAL job (*gasp!*)--but I think I can put that off for another year, when Sullivan is in school full-time. Who knows what may pop up in the next year? 'Tis the year of 40, after all.
This has absolutely NOTHING to do with my post today, but this photo is just priceless. I nabbed it off of Stephanie's blog, with her blessings--you can do that sort of thing with a best pal--and of course it is totally ME. Although I have to admit, it's a bit disturbing seeing The Bush defiling something as sacred as the metal sign. But it's still funny.

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