Not Gonna Cramp My Style!

One of the best friends of my growing up years was Gabi. She lived at the top of Wylde Green Road, I, at the bottom. The stories I could tell of us would fill up about 10 blogs, so I'll keep it to Brookside. :-) Her family used to go to this resort every year--same time, same cabin. I would have to ask her again just how many years they made that treck, but I know it

When Cory and I first met and I realized he was from Park Rapids, Minnesota, I asked him if he knew where Brookside was. Of course when I was going with Gabi's family I paid no attention to what town we were in, it was just a long-ass drive from Iowa City and in the midst of a lot of trees. It was only because I had found an old postcard from Gabi, from a year I couldn't make it with her, and saw the address that it dawned on me. Yes indeed the Coreman knew about Brookside, in fact, it was only 12 miles from his house. Amazing! We drove out there and although some updating had been done, so much of it was exactly the same--including the owners, who actually remembered me! To think all those years I was dreaming about boys, and my future husband was only 12 miles away. Who knew?!
When Vivian was four I talked Cory into vacationing at Brookside. Of course it killed him to spend the money in his home town when we could be staying at his mother's house. But Mom's doesn't have bingo night, or putt putt golf, an indoor-outdoor pool, a lake out your front get the picture. Despite the resistance, Brookside had woven it's magic spell on my husband. We had an amazing time.
Fast forward a few years--to last year, actually--and it just so happened to work out that Gabi and her family could go at the

Tomorrow, tomorrow. The kids are bursting with excitement, I hope they get good sleep! Heck, I hope I get good sleep. This morning I was woken early to the pang of a monstrous mentrual cramp. Lovely. Nothing like vacationing with Aunt Flow, especially when you plan on being in your bikini all week. Your black and WHITE bikini. Ah well, I guess I can't think of a better place to feel all crampy. Laying by the lake with the sounds of the wind and my kid's having a blast in my ears. That's a good thing, people, period or no. I will NOT let it ruin my good time! Hell to the no!
So you all have yourselves a good week, 'cuz I sure plan to! See you when your pants fall down!
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