The Divas We

So we got in and were greeted by some behind-the-scenes people, all very nice. We were immediately handed a sheet with all of the FCC regulations on it, explained in detail by a lawyer whilst we all sat around some huge conference table. Of course the first two rules are "Don't Talk Dirty" and "Don't Swear". I couldn't help but think to myself, what ever will we talk about?! This guy was anything but stodgy, though, and it was fun and interesting to learn all about it.
After that they took us down some winding hallway to get copies of our driver's licenses (probably so they can sue us if we break an FCC regulation and they get fined...!) and then gave us a quick tutorial about how to work the mics. We went right into the broadcasting room to see how everything goes. Fun! One person has to sit in front of the window, so they are in site of 'Rob' the producer, who basically oversees the show. This person is generally in charge of the commercial breaks and so on. Kim immediately looked at me and said, "That will be you..." eeeek! What have I gotten myself into?! Here's an interesting thing...I guess radio (at least FM107, don't know the specifics of all of them) is actually on an 8 second delay. So if you drop the F Bomb, you have to press a red button (the big shiny red button--a little Ren and Stimpy reference there)

It was fun meeting everyone, although un-nerving to size up the competition and get a taste of what they may have in store. We have no grand plans for our show. We are just going to be us, chatting. The sky's the limit it seems, with the station...they say we can have call-ins, themes, long as everything is cleared with them, of course. And that kind of stuff may be fun if we actually win the long-term show. But we both agree that for this first one, we'll just keep it simple, and hopefully that will be enough! It's so exciting! I get Pssst, the FM107 newsletter, and here is an excerpt from it:
***Excitement filled the halls of FM 107 this week when all of the Undiscovered Diva finalists stopped by for their Radio 101 orientation. They got a crash course in FCC rules and a brief tutorial on the set-up in the studio. Tune in beginning Monday July 17th through Friday July 28th, from 6pm to 7pm to hear a different pair of radio-host-hopefuls give it their best. Lori and Julia will be in charge of welcoming the Undiscovered Divas into the studio on the tail end of their show, and offering some helpful advice. You can bet this will be interesting.
Check out our website to meet the finalists and hear a clip from their shows. Then when all the on-air try-outs are over make sure you go online to vote for which pair of hosts you think should get their own show.***
So there it is, people. July 26th, from 6-7, we'll be live, on the air! Listen and vote for us, please! Talk about a dream come

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