Good Medicine
Another day, another puppet show. But all done now. Finished off VBS week with the story of blind Saul. Another uplifting summer tale! I could have used some Jesus healing yesterday--I woke up with a horrible back hitch. Not completely out, thank goodness, but it kept me pretty crooked for a while there. Of course of all the days, we had to be in a 'cave', which meant having our puppet stage set in a different room and just happened to be in front of a very hot gas fireplace that couldn't be turned off. Sitting myself on the mantle, all teetered to one side because of my back, was quite interesting. Poor Char--I was definitely teetered over in her personal space, practically screaming in her ear as I loudly recited my puppet lines and was probably reeking as I sweated bullets from both the heat and the total muscle control I was having to exude to keep myself in that position and keep my back from going out. It was quite a sight, I'm sure. Maybe I did get some Jesus healing,
tho, as today I am feeling much better. My back is so strange. I never know what it's going to do. Kinda like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
At least I got to see BOTH of my good peeps yesterday--coffee (decaf, of course!) with Stephanie in the morning and hanging out with Kim (and her cute little niece, Audrey!) as I dropped off Vivian in the afternoon. That was definitely good medicine.
And some more good medicine...we've been to visit Bentley the Cavachon (that's him on the left, his mommy Carol gave me these photos of him!!) twice now, and Vivian's been fine around him! YAHOO! It's been quite a process, and quite a time of visiting different breeds. I will say, everyone is so nice about sharing their doggies...whether I know them or they are complete strangers. Gives you kind of a warm fuzzy feeling inside. But what really gives me a warm fuzzy feeling is to think that a Cavachon puppy may very well be in our future!!!!! We will be on the waiting list for a puppy that is due at the end of August--there will be 3 litters of pups to choose from. (can you believe the due date for one of the moms is August 29th, MY very own birthday?! Kismet!) Then of course the puppies wouldn't be ready to go home with anyone until November. That gives us a lot of time to read up, get used to the idea of having a furry friend, and let's face it--save up the dough-re-mi! These 'designer' dogs are not cheap! When we come back from our vacation to Brookside in a couple of weeks, we'll start the process and see where it takes us. So exciting!!!!!!!!!!!

At least I got to see BOTH of my good peeps yesterday--coffee (decaf, of course!) with Stephanie in the morning and hanging out with Kim (and her cute little niece, Audrey!) as I dropped off Vivian in the afternoon. That was definitely good medicine.

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