This morning we escaped the devil's asshole by going to church. (devil's asshole meaning, the heat. Another lovely Urban Dictionary term from our podcast) Being un-airconditioned, lately the sanctuary IS the devil's asshole--oooo!--but both last Sunday and this we had the service in the air-conditioned area. (I'm sure there is a fancy churchy term for that room, but alas, I have no clue what that would be...!) I sang in the choir this morning again, always fun. We always manage a bit of goofing off. All in the name of the Lord, of course.... !!

I've also been spreading the good news about voting for Kim and I's show on FM107. Please, if you haven't voted already,
do do do! (or heck, vote again!) The days are creeping by, waiting for the news. They'll announce it on Tuesday, I guess. I'll just be happy to know, one way or the other.
I'm also focusing on getting ready for our
Brookside vacation! We leave in less than a week already--hard to believe. I'm praying hard that it cools down a bit by then--with no air-conditioning in a cabin full of 9 or so people, that would definitely be the devil's arse.
Podcast tonight! Woo woo!
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