Whew, it is darn hot out there. (notice I said darn, and not damn. already practicing up for the
FM107 show...!) Believe it or not, I started out this roasty-toasty day in an early morning run with Kim around Lake of the Isles. Even though we were out by 8:00, alas, it was not early enough...it was already bloody hot. We ended up walking as much as we ran! But, we made it around, and then over to
Yum Bakery for some breakie and chat about our upcoming Undiscovered Divas show. YUM is a great name for that place--the food was excellent, coffee superb--and served in the coolest insulated tumblers! I think I may have to get me some of those! We had a great time coming up with ideas for the show--I feel pretty confident that it will go well.

No sooner did I get home than Coreman said we were running to the Super Target out in Minnetonka. Sweaty, stinky me, with no shower. Ah well. That's 40, people. You just don't give a darn. (did you catch that? again, darn.) As we drove a guy passed us and threw the heavy metal salute out his window to me--I kid you not! He must have been showing me his approval of my rear window pimping. I honked back at him. Hilarious!

Meanwhile, the dog obsession continues. Since the Cavalier fiasco I've been looking into other breeds that may work with poor Vivian's allergies. After talking to Vivian's doctor, I did regain a little hope that maybe something will work out. Sadly, the Cavalier thing is definitely done, (at least for now!) but Dr. Garvis said it's very possible that there could be another breed that she could be just fine around. ! So of course I've been running with that one. The latest ideas are Cavachons, Cavapoos, or Cockapoos. The first two would be so great because as you can probably guess by the name, they are both Cavalier mixes. Of course this could mean that the Bichon Frise or Poodle mixed with them may still not cancel out the allergy-inducing Cavalier part, but I figure it's worth a try. To make a long story short, we got a hold of a woman who has a Cavachon in Minnetonka, and we went out to visit him today. (what is it about Minnetonka and the dogs that I love?!) His name was Bentley, can you stand it?? The very same name of that adorable Cavalier puppy I put on the previous listing below! Maybe it's a sign?! It was hard to tell how it went with Vivian, to be honest. She did have one part on her face that seemed itchy, but I didn't see any hives, and we were also outside in 101 degree weather today. Bentley didn't lick her much, and I don't even remember if he even licked her in that spot. She certainly was not sniffly at all. He didn't shed any hair that I saw, which is the thing with that breed and is AMAZING--so that would definitely help. But we rubbed a shirt on him like we did on the Cavaliers, and we'll see how Vivian does with that. At least these are a little less money than the Cavs...but not much...! So all hope is not lost. I am not giving up yet. This guy sure was adorable.
Got home, played Scooby Doo, made dinner, and then FINALLY washed my stinky bod. Tonight when Kim and Brian pick up Emily from her play date with Viv, they will stay for a beer or two. Nice. A little bit o' Kim in the mornin', a little bit o' Kim in the evening. Ain't we got fun?
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