Diary of a Metal Mommy

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Just Another Porno Tuesday

Look what I woke up to this morning! I stumbled out onto the porch with my coffee--my morning ritual now, to enjoy the fresh morning air, sights and sounds, it's lovely--and I am greeted by pornographic moths. Too bad I don't have the capability to add music to my blog, right now you'd be hearing some of that bad porno-jazz. Talk about your wild kingdom!

Speaking of pornographic, have you heard about the latest security scanning device that they are now using at the Heathrow airport? I watched a video clip on the CNN site that showed a reporter getting in there--a brave soul he was, as although he did have a metal plate in his pants to hide his 'privates', it sure didn't hide his rolls. I guess many people are all up in arms about this (ha, no pun intended!) as they think it's a big invasion of privacy. I say, get over it, people! If it keeps us safe, who the heck cares if someone at the airport sees your Johnson? (or your Jane, for that matter!) Even if they are by some chance some crazy perverts looking for a chance to get a cheap thrill, what's the big deal? If it's a choice between being a bit embarrassed or being safe on a plane, well, there's no choice for me. Just another example of how uptight people are about such things. Silly!


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