There we are, the 2006 Brookside crew! My family, Gabi's family, Gabi's dad and wife, Gabi's sister and boyfriend, Gabi's brother and daugters. No, we weren't all in one cabin, we were spread out between two. But it was certainly a family affair! What a wonderful week. Too much to write about, fo sho, so I'll just throw up a few photos and give you the idea.

Here's Gabi and I, yet again. Not a very attractive photo of me, but hey. 40. The age where you just don't give a damn about such trivial things as bad photos anymore. (and that age is creeping up on me pretty quickly here...just a couple more weeks!) Well, okay, I do care a little...I'm NOT putting the one up here where I have more than one chin.

Now THIS is what I'm talkin' about. Relaxing with a brew-ha (yes, I am drinking a beer, and yes, I didn't drink it all...) in front of the lake. It just doesn't get any better than this. Oh my goodness, is this not my husband?! No indeed, it's Gabi's husband Matt. Cory was probably off with Gabi in the cabin. Now, don't be thinking that. There goes your mind again. We are all very good friends, but not THAT good of friends!!

THERE'S my husband, and my sweet little boy. This is when we went out on the lake for a little paddle boat ride. Lovely!!!

And there's my cutie girl, after the minnow races. Alas, she's holding in her hand a losing minnow, but it was all fun anyway. I actually got to the third heat with my minnow that I had named Frodo...I guess he really did go there and back again. Right back to the starting line.
And that's it for now, folks. Maybe more photos later. It's getting late and I am ready to go sleep in my real bed. Home again, home again, jiggety-jog--and I have to say I feel like a fat hog. Lots and lots of relaxation and lots and lots of eating junk and drinking alcohol (well, not a lot of alcohol, but drinking almost-one beer every day is a lot for me!) makes for one bloat-o tummy. Time to detox! Back to reality! Sigh, I will miss the lake...
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