Okay, maybe turning 40 isn't so bad. Especially when your girlfriends help you celebrate by taking you to NEW YORK CITY! Just

got back yesterday morning (bright and *yawn* early, I might add) from a most amazing, fabulous, could-never-explain-how-wonderful trip ever. I'm going to be lazy and let
Stephanie cover all of the details, if you care to read them...but let me just say that staying in Dot and John's apartment on Park Avenue, eating out at amazing restaurants where we were treated like celebrities, shopping at Bergdorf Goodman and other little places where people were a blast,

experiencing the distinguished Metropolitan Museum of Art, strolling through glorious Central Park, and most of all just hanging with two of the most wonderful, generous, amazing and downright hilariously fun women in the entire world...well, what CAN I say?! It was the trip of a lifetime. Even with a gimpy back, and with that, let me add Patient and Kind

to the long list of adjectives that describe my good friends.
So, come August when it really WILL be my 40th birthday and I'm doing things like getting my first mammogram and starting a year-long stint of f-ing on-call jury duty, I'll have this incredible experience to remember. Thanks Coreman, Thanks Dot and John, thanks New York City, and thanks to you, my glorious friends. Here's to 40!
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