Metal Mommy Indeed

Now I get to shop. We have pretty much settled on the Scion--woo hoo! What fun. I decided that I had to drive that one that is shown in the photo below, in my previous entry. Sullivan and I drove to the dealership, and there she was, right up front. I had to smile when I saw it, so over the top! I immediately noticed how the black paint on the hood and top of the car was covered with multi-colored sparkles....ooooooh, ahhhhhh! Then I went around to the back and wanted to open the hatch, to re-reacquaint myself with just how much storage room was back there. I opened the door and stopped for a second, thinking, wait a minute...did I just see what I think I saw?? I quickly closed it again and realized it was not just a trick of the sun on my eyes....there was indeed a gaping skull staring at me, airbrushed into the red paint below. I said to the guy, "Oh my gosh, is that a SKULL??" He said, "Oh, yeah!" and told me all about the custom paint job it had. That's when I realized that there were skulls airbrushed all over the thing. Hilarious! I thought they were just black swirls! I threw my head back and howled. And got right in and drove the thing. I'm thinking long and hard about this skull car. I made the guy an offer, he countered, I started to leave and then he did the classic 'catching me right as I was walking out the door' thing, MAYBE being willing to take my offer after all. Heh heh. I do have a budget to stick to, after all! So! I am driving a couple more tomorrow, and then who knows? Maybe the skulls are for me?! Now THAT is metal. Stay tuned....

Maybe I'll order a cool skull decal to put on the back, or some sort of tribal design. Or both...! I don't have to completely walk away from the skulls! I can put on my own, damnit! I WILL be metal! But hey, even though the Scion is more rap than metal, in my book metal = cool, and so this thing is metal all the way.
At 10:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh YES! Can't wait for the s-weet ride, yeah baby! Woo hoo! Even without skulls - totally metal!
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