(there we are at Elio's in NYC, having a wonderful meal with Dot and John Levy!)
Life is great today. Oh, there's nothing really exciting going on. (although I did get to sleep in until 8:00 AM for the second day in a row, which is quite amazing, actually!) I dropped Vivian off at her art club class she is doing all week, and Sullivan and I went to the gym. We came back, and Sullivan requested to play over at the church in the nursery. He's obsessed with this new tub of cars they have in there. He doesn't even play in the nursery anymore--we make him sit with us boring adults, poor guy--but apparently he's been in there enough to set his sights on those cars and therefore be obsessed with them. No big deal, with church being a few steps away, it's a nice alternative to the same old cars around here. Nice for me, too, as I get to gab with various nice people over there.

As for the rest of the afternoon, I have no idea what's in store. I wanted to take the kids to the pool, but alas, the clouds rolled in and what was a warm sunny morning has turned into a chilly, cloudy afternoon--well, maybe not chilly, but if you are standing around in a wet pool it becomes downright frigid. But even thwarted pool plans can't ruin my mood today. I'm still on a New York City high. It was a bummer to leave the good life of Park Avenue with my friends having not a care in the world, don't get me wrong....but I feel like it totally refreshed and recharged me in an amazing way. I'm so appreciative of my dear husband, who loves me enough to let me go have all the fun and in fact encouraged me to do so.

I'm appreciative, of course, of my wonderful friends who shared it with me. How many people are lucky enough to have friendships like that?? Just like men, I've been through my share of weirdness with friends, and I'm extra appreciative of a good friendship when I see it. And it may not be on Park Avenue, but I am very appreciative of my lovely home in this lovely state and my lovely kick-ass car to drive around it in. :-) And heck, I got on that plane! I haven't been a fan of air travel for quite a few years now, but I stared anxiety in the face and got on one anyway. Two, to be exact.
It's amazing what a little gratefulness and empowerment will do for a person. Makes an ordinary day an extraordinary one. Ahhhh. Remind me of this when I'm getting my mammogram and serving jury duty. And the next time my kid throws up.
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