Jury Doody

I'm sorry, but I have a bad attitude about Jury Duty. Especially when I am called to do it. Especially when this is the THIRD TIME I've gotten one of those stinkin' letters. Juty Duty!!!!!
The first time was back in LA, and I think I was totally naive at that time and had no clue what that letter even was. I don't think it was until I had moved and thought back on it that I realized it was actually a summons. Of course at the time I just tossed it aside with the other junk mail and ignored it completely. I have to laugh thinking of, for whatever reason, I'd be back in LA and end up getting arrested for evading my patriotic duty. Of all the bad things I've done in my past, that's what I'd be arrested for. I suppose any arrest is pretty rock and roll, though, and any anti-American one especially. Hmmm.
So that was number one. The second time I received the bad news was about 7 years ago, when Vivian was just a young babe and Sullivan wasn't even an idea. At that time we barely knew anyone in town, didn't have any family close by (like now!) and quite frankly it just wasn't convenient for a stay-at-home-Mom to try to come up with a last-minute place for her child every day for 2 weeks straight. (uh...also like now!) At that time, the duty consisted of reporting to a room at the court house downtown Minneapolis and sitting with a bunch of other unlucky saps, all grumbling and complaining along with me about being there. I suppose that part was kind of fun--there is a sort of camaraderie when a group of people are all held together against their will, I guess. We all sat around big round tables, swapping stories and playing poker for Triscuits. Every hour or so, a professional-looking person would come into the room and everyone would listen with bated breath as the person read from a clipboard the unlucky names that were to go with them to be questioned for a case. Some people came back up to the room, some--the ones who were chosen to be on the case--were not.
There was a person closed up in a little office in the front of the room who's sole job was to listen to complainers like me trying to get out of jury duty. As soon as I could I joined the line of people outside her door. I told her my sob story and this is the deal she gave me: I had to stay the rest of the day. If I got chosen for a case, after being questioned, then I needed to serve the duration of that case and then I would be done. (I believe if others were on a case that was done before their 2 week stint, they had to get back in the pool for maybe another case) If I didn't get chosen, I could go home and that would be that. Then my name would be off the list for a certain number of years (I do believe it was...SEVEN...!) until I could 'possibly' be called again. (we'll come back to this point later!!)
So of course all day I was sweating. Every time that person with the clip board came into the room I would hold my breath, convinced my name would be coming out of their mouth. The last group was called at 3:15--we were to be let out at 3:30--and I thought for sure that would be my time...but I totally lucked out! Man, I never felt such freedom as I did that day on my way home on bus #12. (of course you can't DRIVE down to the courthouse, because the entire whopping $30 they give you to do your civic duty goes right back to the city in parking fees...! A consipiracy, I'm sure!!!)
So, isn't that funny that just about SEVEN YEARS LATER I mysteriously get another Jury Duty summons? That later clearly states that I was chosen by random. Huh, what a funny coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now this is a whole different ball game, and I'm a little perplexed. Now I am on call for an entire year, starting September 1st of this year. (gee, I have 9 months to prepare...?!) I guess if I'm called sometime during that year, I'll be on call again for 2 months. It's very confusing. All I know is, starting in September, I am going to jump everytime the phone rings. Caller ID may very well be my very best friend. (although I'm sure they've thought of this ploy, and have a number that won't pop up on my screen!) Why me?!
Okay, I understand why there needs to be such a thing, and why they have to call in a group of people at random. But do they have to make it so darn inconvenient?! I know it's still hard for people who have full time jobs, but at least their work has to let them go, and they already have daycare lined up. What's a stay-at-home mommy supposed to do?? I remember before they were so laissez-faire about the kid thing, making it sound like I can just find a facility to throw my kid in for a couple of weeks. Not only is it not that easy, but isn't that why I stay at home?? To avoid daycare? And if I did need to find daycare, I wouldn't just desperately put my child in the first place that had an opening. And for me, it won't be a matter of daycare, it will be a matter of someone meeting my child off the bus and then being able to stay here with him, and/or her, until I get home. Arg.
And the whole thing seems to be pretty un-democratic to me, which I find very ironic. I don't feel like I'm in America when I'm told I have to show up somewhere and do something whether I like it or not, or I'll be arrested. I would be much happier about this if I could go in, tell these people it would be much easier for me to even wait 2 more years until Sullivan is in school full-time and have them be understanding of that. I remember the first time, talking to a woman who was still breast-feeding an infant and they wouldn't let her off. Sure makes you want to take off your hat and start marching to "It's a Grand Old Flag", doesn't it?! But then again, we do live in a country that spends more money on war than it does on education and the welfare of it's citizens. So what would I expect?! I know we live very priveliged lives here in America, and I am grateful for it. But you can't tell me that our justice system is completely unbiased. I have 2 letters for you...O and J.
So, there it is. There is my rant about being called for Jury Duty. At random. Again. Last night at coffee my friend Sarah casually pointed out to me how for the year I turn 40, I'll be on call for Jury Duty. As if 40 isn't bad enough! GRIEF!
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