The Beautiful Pain of Da Brows

In defense of what both my husband and my guitar player do not understand, I have decided to let you witness the amazing difference that a Brow Wax can make. (that's just the kind of person I am--humiliating myself for the good of woman-kind)So fortunate me has never exactly had a uni-brow or anything, but ever since I decided, on a whim, to get the ol' brows waxed about 2 years go for the first time, one stray hair comes in and I'm feeling like Bush Woman. Let's face it--I have very dark hair. Those stray babies show. I even have stray hairs--gulp--ABOVE my eyebrows. ! It's funny, too, how when you get the waxing done it just looks fabulous, for quite a while. Then you go to bed and one morning you wake up--and in the words of Emeril, BAM! The hairs have myseriously grown back overnight, and no amount of random plucking is going to get them back to their just-waxed glory. I don't care what anyone says, you can NOT keep up with it yourself. Once you go wax, you never go back. And the weird thing is, I have always been a total wimp when it comes to pain, but I actually relish that ripping feeling when they tear off the wax in one fell swoop. It is so satisfying! Then I leave there with screaming red welts around the brow area, but it's all worth it. I just can't plan on going anywhere after the treatment. One time I made the mistake of scheduling a wax in the gym salon right before my new membership train-in. I felt like an idiot, trying in vain to comb my bangs down as low as I could to cover it up. Oh well, I'm sure I just blended in with all of the other weirdos at the gym.
So! If there is anyone out there contemplating a brow wax, take it from is well worth it and, who knows, you may even enjoy it??
At 11:19 AM,
Cuz said…
I've been getting my brows waxed for a few years now and I love it. Yes, it does hurt like heck, but it actually gives me a sick kind of thrill!!!
Love ya, Cuz
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