A Little Pee at Byerlys
Ah, what would the holidays be without a little inappropriate potty humor? Today I was waiting in line at my favorite grocery store Byerlys, absent-mindedly looking at the computer screen that lists each item as it's rung up. I then noticed that the bag of peeled carrots I was buying came up as "Baby Carrots Pee"--I'm sure the entire line wouldn't fit on the screen. I couldn't help but bring it up to the cashier. I asked her casually if she could also see the screen. She turned it toward her, looking concerned as if maybe it rung up something incorrectly. I told her it was the peeled carrots and she started to read aloud, "Baby Carrots...", and then her hand slapped over her mouth and she started giggling. She was saying, "You're so naughty!" We had a good laugh. I had to have another laugh to myself at the thought that 'pee' is naughty. Apparently this woman doesn't know me that well if she thinks that 'pee' is as naughty as I get. :-) Ho Ho Ho!
At 11:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Not to worry, Suz! As I was shopping for bargains the day after Christmas, I stopped at the Logan's Farm Kiosk in the mall to buy some goodies for 50% off, when I saw these cute little smoked link saugages...it said 'cocktail weenies' on the bag...well, you know me; in the brain~out the mouth! I started singing, 'Oh, little weenies, you got so much love; little weenies...'(you know, to the Elton John tune of 'Little Jeanie'[or is it Genie?!]} Well, this woman behind me heard me and started laughing and I thought Mom was going to die...except she had to laugh too!! So, Baby Carrots Pee...' and 'Little Weenies'...you gotta know we come from some sick stock!!! LOL! :o)
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