Play Dates and Henry the VIII

We woke up to a dreary, rainy day--yes, rainy, even at the end of November. Weird! (can you say, Global Warming?!) I'm so glad Sullivan and I had a play date planned! It's so nice when you have a friend that you enjoy and that friend has a child that your child enjoys. These are the things that make being a stay-at-home-mommy so pleasurable. If all things between the kids are going well, these are the times when we actually can sit around and eat bon-bons (or, donut holes) drink coffee, and gab. Could life be any better?
Another good thing about the day--The King has arrived! No, not Elvis, not the Burger King, and certainly not Christ the King. (if he came and went I'm in trouble, cuz I had no clue) I'm talking about King Henry the VIII. On the way back from my Jezebel weekend, my friend Ann and I stopped in some more antique stores for some last-minute shopping. It was there that I first saw the King...although I just have this weird feeling that I must have seen him someplace before. It's actually an old Peggy Nisbet doll, and he's in great shape. I didn't want to buy him for the steep price of $24.00, but I have to say that he haunted me. I decided to see if he was on ebay, and, sure enough! I got him for a mere $9.99!! So he came today, and he really is cute. I try to forget that as a human being he was really a tyrant, chopping off his wives heads and basically making his own religion. So why am I drawn to such a thing? I asked my mom if we had one around the house as a child--she was an antique collector, as well--but she said no. Hmmm. It's a mystery. I guess now I just have to keep him away from Barbie so he doesn't chop off her head.
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