Your first impression of that title may be that I have secret information about the title to the 7th and very last Harry Potter book--(the 6th is the one that was just released, to those of you not in the know) but if you think that, I am about to disappoint you. So sorry, I know it sounds like a very interesting installment.
Being part of the Harry Potter mania, we decided to celebrate the release of the new book by attending
The Bakken museum. They dedicated an entire Saturday to the Harry Potter theme, having crafts and treats and cool props from the actual movies for us crazy fans to view or partake in. Our first stop was the craft room, where we made a magic wand--or, I should say, our friend Brian Billadeau--dad of Vivian's friend Emily--made a magic wand. I know this is a museum dedicated to the science of electricity, but please! Not all of us are Benjamin Franklin! After connecting a few wires, I was lost. Thanks to Brian, we do have a working wand. Besides the wand-making, there were also wizard hats to construct and design (the girls skipped this one) owl puppets (the paper bag kind--not such a big deal) and bookmarks to stamp, to go with your new book.
In the midst of all of this hullaballoo, WCCO and their camera crew were there to cover the happenings. At one point they approached our little group and asked if we wanted to be on TV, talking about the day. The Billadeau clan decided they were going to be humble and not shamelessly try to get themselves on the news, but not I. I have no shame when it comes to getting myself on camera. Vivian pretended she didn't really care, but decided she would, too--we all know she has too much of her mother in her to be shy. So! They spent a few moments asking us some questions about the event.
After all was said and done, there I was, on the 6 o'clock news! I was the only one that got a spot, Coreman just had to give me a high five. But, alas, Vivian didn't make the cut--and she was not too happy about it. What a horrible mother I am, stealing the limelight from my daughter! But I did try to warn her--the media are a fickle bunch. They can spend an hour interviewing you and maybe show two seconds of it, if anything at all. I know this from experience.
Do any of you remember that show "Hard Copy"? Sort of a pre-reality TV show where they covered some seedy story--the more scandalous the better, all under the guise of 'real news'. Back in L.A., someone from my band knew someone who knew someone who worked on that show, and this person came down to Club Lingerie, where I was a hard working cocktail waitress (but I'm REALLY a singer!) to interview me. Something about bands, and being on the streets of Hollywood, but I swear I can not remember the details of what it was supposed to be about. (not WORKING the streets of Hollywood, mind you--I did a lot of things in my day, but that was not one of them!) Like I mentioned before, they interviewed me extensively for quite some time, and imagine my disappointment as I settled myself in front of the TV, thinking I was going to get all this exposure for my band, man...only to see something that resembled me flash by so quickly you would have missed it if you blinked. Life in show business. Still, I have it on tape somewhere. My milli-second of fame.
So, on July 16th, 2005 Harry Potter and I had our moment in the sun. I feel so proud.