409?! Who knew?!
WARNING: those of you who are totally domestically disabled and would sooner read a car manual than any sort of blog entry about laundry, than this is not for you. But I have discovered a stain-removal secret that I just have to share. You know those annoying grease stains that sneak up on you, those little dots that magically appear all over your favorite t-shirt after you have just stir-fried some vegetables in oil or sauteed shrimp in butter? I was recently plagued by this very thing and I ran to the ever-luvin' internet to help me out. Lo and behold, I found a tip about 409. I guess that makes sense--409 is a toxic grease cutter, so it should cut through that stuff. I tried it reluctantly, hoping it wouldn't eat holes through in the process. Wahoo, it worked! The tipper had said it works best if you spray it on the stains before drying, but I also tried it on a shirt I thought was lost but too sad to toss, and sure enough, those nasty stains came out! 409 is my new miracle product! Think if I spray it on Bush, he might go away?
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
So...will 409 work on 'skid marks' too?!! like big Husband skid marks.... you know the kind... :o)
hee hee!!!
At 9:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
So...will 409 work on 'skid marks' too?!! like big Husband skid marks.... you know the kind... :o)
hee hee!!!
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