Because I'm Worth It.

I love new cars. New cars, used cars, anything that's new to me, that is. I am a fickle girl when I comes to my vehicle. I start out loving it, and in a few years I'm ready to trade it in for something that hasn't lost it's sparkle and has that new-car-smell. (even the used ones do, they must use that spray?!) The Mazda MPV has become the Most Putzy Vehicle over the past year, and I am over it. It is so not metal! I want 4 wheel drive, I want to sit up high, I want power!
A while ago I thought it would be fun to have a Hummer. This was back when I was taking Tae Kwon Do. A big, pink, glittery Hummer, complete with spinners. I could just picture myself on my way to class, mowing down everyone on the street and then kicking everyone's butt in the dojo. Maybe now I don't feel like I have so much to prove, or maybe I just worry how everyone but Republicans would hate me--I don't necessarily need them on my side. Not that I could have actually afforded one anyway, but the tree-huggers will be happy to know that I have moved on.
I have settled on a Nissan Pathfinder, (see above) somewhere in the 2001-2004 range. (I do realize that the tree-huggers would be happier if I was getting some sort of fart-in-a-tin-can hybrid or something, but again, not very metal!) It was no small task coming to that conclusion, either. I drove a lot of cars. I would drop Vivian off at her park program, and Sullivan and I would hit the dealerships. Aren't car dealers a hoot? I swear, so many of them do not have ears. You tell them what you want/need/don't want/don't need and they try to sell you just the opposite. As we aren't actually buying quite yet, it's been satisfying seeing them trip over their feet as I walk out the door. Sullivan is just the cutest, too. He just sits in the back and tells me that each car is just perfect. Of course he wants a Cadillac or a Mustang convertable--the kid has good taste!
Anyway, the Pathfinder seems like a great vehicle, and I can get all of my luxurious whistles and bells along with it, in my price range. Because like Loreal hair color, I'm worth it. So--if you or anyone you know has one of these babies for sale, just let me know. Sullivan and I will come out and take it for a drive.
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