The Fragrance of Release
Oh, I am so happy. Once again I get to sing "We Give You Thanks" in contemporary choir, at church. This is the song I mentioned before in a previous entry--where the actual lyrics go "from the movement deep within us" and on to "for the fragrance of release", followed by, "from the fire that blazes forward"...Singing this song with reverence and a straight face is difficult enough, but there was no holding back a loud guffaw this morning when the choir director announced we would be singing it from the 'pews'. Honestly.
Last night my friend Char and I were having dinner and who should show up, but Pastor Tim! I took one look at him and laughed and laughed, because I swear I was JUST telling Char about this song, and in walks Tim. Then to my surprise, we are singing the song again this weekend. Ah, life is just too funny sometimes.
Last night my friend Char and I were having dinner and who should show up, but Pastor Tim! I took one look at him and laughed and laughed, because I swear I was JUST telling Char about this song, and in walks Tim. Then to my surprise, we are singing the song again this weekend. Ah, life is just too funny sometimes.
At 3:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my!! Yeah, we have a song that our choir does that has that same effect on me.... 'God is still on his throne...God is still on his throne...' Of course I'm bad to mix up words anyway, but the morning I sang 'still on THE throne' several of us had to look down, close our eyes, and definitely not look at each other... good thing I was in the back row...I had to sit down on the riser (no Susie, the RISER... you know, like what you sit on at a football game?!!!) :o) It's a good thing I attend a Pentecostal church...If you cry, it's the Spirit moving, If you jump up and down, it's the Spirit moving, if you laugh hysterically, it's the Spirit moving... :o) Isn't God good?!!! :o)
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