Sister Something
Ahhh, it's nice to wake up to beautiful snow--we haven't had enough of it this winter, and that feels mighty strange living in Minnesota. Of course snow can be a downright pain, but it sure is pretty and if it's going to be butt-cold we may as well have something nice to look at.
Well, other than taking care of the logistics of planning for a trip, we also bought a new car. What?! you say. But of course you shouldn't be surprised at this point. I'm not. In fact it's been such a saga that I barely even batted an eye signing those papers yet again. We ended up trading in Phat Thunder. I know, you lose money that way, but we had exactly ONE person get in touch with me regarding it and he offered about 3K less than we were asking. It's just not a good market right now, and even though we had the extras and had put money into it, it still couldn't compete with newer models that had less miles, heated leather seats or no. I could have been patient and just waited until spring, of course...but me, patient?! But also, as you know, more time just means worth less. ug.
So I've got my Forester. It's older and has more miles than the Scion did, but being a Subaru, I'm just not that worried about that. I'm not going to work myself up this time that it's the best, the a bad love-life, I'm starting to get too jaded to let myself get attached. This time I'm going to go slow, ease myself into the romance. As they say in the magazines, don't live like celebrities do...stay a bit more private about your love for your partner and it will probably last longer.
This car-love thing is starting to get a bit creepy, so I'll move on. But the next business will be giving her a name. This one is definitely a her, going with the whole Subaru=Lesbian theme that I've been told about. Going with the Subaru means 'sister' in Japanese tip that "Snowed in in Montana" most graciously gave me (whether or not that is something worthy of is still to be determined, but even if it's untrue it's still funny.) I think it must be Sister something. I thought about Pat's suggestion for my own name changing, Loveless--as in, Sister Loveless. But I don't want to give ol' Subaru a complex or anything, or put a curse on myself that she doesn't love me. Even though that's a kick-a metal name. I'll have to think on that one, give it some time. But she is black--black pearl no less. Nice. Very Pirates of the Caribbean-ish. (speaking of curse!) Maybe we'll need to go with a pirate theme? If anyone has any good suggestions, bring 'em on! Oh, and sorry I don't yet have a real photo of her to post...right now she's covered with snow!
It will be hard to leave her for a week now that I just got her, that's fo sho. We leave the day after tomorrow! Crazy. This will be quite an adventure. I'm not sure if I'll have to time to post again before I come back. So rock on, people, and have a good week.
Well, other than taking care of the logistics of planning for a trip, we also bought a new car. What?! you say. But of course you shouldn't be surprised at this point. I'm not. In fact it's been such a saga that I barely even batted an eye signing those papers yet again. We ended up trading in Phat Thunder. I know, you lose money that way, but we had exactly ONE person get in touch with me regarding it and he offered about 3K less than we were asking. It's just not a good market right now, and even though we had the extras and had put money into it, it still couldn't compete with newer models that had less miles, heated leather seats or no. I could have been patient and just waited until spring, of course...but me, patient?! But also, as you know, more time just means worth less. ug.
So I've got my Forester. It's older and has more miles than the Scion did, but being a Subaru, I'm just not that worried about that. I'm not going to work myself up this time that it's the best, the a bad love-life, I'm starting to get too jaded to let myself get attached. This time I'm going to go slow, ease myself into the romance. As they say in the magazines, don't live like celebrities do...stay a bit more private about your love for your partner and it will probably last longer.
This car-love thing is starting to get a bit creepy, so I'll move on. But the next business will be giving her a name. This one is definitely a her, going with the whole Subaru=Lesbian theme that I've been told about. Going with the Subaru means 'sister' in Japanese tip that "Snowed in in Montana" most graciously gave me (whether or not that is something worthy of is still to be determined, but even if it's untrue it's still funny.) I think it must be Sister something. I thought about Pat's suggestion for my own name changing, Loveless--as in, Sister Loveless. But I don't want to give ol' Subaru a complex or anything, or put a curse on myself that she doesn't love me. Even though that's a kick-a metal name. I'll have to think on that one, give it some time. But she is black--black pearl no less. Nice. Very Pirates of the Caribbean-ish. (speaking of curse!) Maybe we'll need to go with a pirate theme? If anyone has any good suggestions, bring 'em on! Oh, and sorry I don't yet have a real photo of her to post...right now she's covered with snow!
It will be hard to leave her for a week now that I just got her, that's fo sho. We leave the day after tomorrow! Crazy. This will be quite an adventure. I'm not sure if I'll have to time to post again before I come back. So rock on, people, and have a good week.
At 10:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey lady. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I recently talked to my friend in Japan, and I asked her if Subaru had anything to do with "sister" and she said no. Actually, it meant 'bird' or something like that. Every other Japanese auto company is named after the person who started the company.
But don't let that get you down! There's no reason you can't keep calling it sister-something. Or you can run with the lesbian myth by calling it "Sister Etheridge". Just an idea. I support whatever name you come up with.
At 6:41 PM,
Suz said…
damn. I should have known it was too good to be true. Ah well.
Eeuu, sister Ethreridge. If I were going to name her in honor of a lesbian I would pick a better-looking one. (no offense to Melissa fans...I'm sure she's very nice.) I'd even go Degeneres before I'd go Etheridge.
But I'll have to keep thinking.... and thanks for your support.
At 4:44 AM,
I guess Twisted Sister is out, anyway "The Black Pearl" may be more you-ish, I like Suzsuv! but of coarse I think you total rock (you nitro + lori glycerin=kaboom) in a great way, so I'm bias, bon voyage'!
At 8:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Phat Sister? hahahaha
At 12:45 PM,
Suz said…
Well, I've now been called a machine gun and nitro. NICE! Thanks Robottony! :-)
At 12:45 PM,
Suz said…
Ha, Steph, I actually thought of Sister Phat myself. Not sure if it fits, tho...;-)
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