An Oprah Rant

This woman's main question is, "why Africa, when there is plenty who need here in our own country?" I saw this interview on CNN and the interviewer was basically saying that it's Oprah's money...she has a right to give it anywhere she sees fit. Of course this is true, but her motives are irritating. She claims that she visited schools in our own country and was appalled at the kids' requests when asked what they needed...iPods, sneakers, things of the like. When this question was asked of the kids in Africa they replied with 'school uniforms so they could learn'. At first thought I can understand Oprah's feelings....but who made our American children the way they are?? They are products of our society, and who can blame them for asking for those things?? If the children in Africa had access to these things, wouldn't they do the same? You can't even compare them, it's practically like two different species. And the critic brought up an amazing point...if Oprah is so offended about what our American children feel like they need, then stop giving those things away on your shows. Stop giving away high-priced cars and products and start giving away scholarships. AMEN! I'm the first to agree that our children are totally spoiled and most of their priorities are in the wrong place. So is that the time to turn our backs on them and go do good somewhere else? No. That's when they need the most help. They are the future of our country and are not beyond hope. They need good role models, which are few and far between this day and age.
I guess it all comes down to my feeling--and granted, this is my own opinion--Oprah can be giving to others but there is definitely an element in there that it is all about herself. I've felt that way for a long time about her. Yes, she does many good things for many people but she sure makes sure you hear all about it. If you read her magazine--of which she is ALWAYS on the cover, every month--you can't miss all of the good deeds she's done because it's mentioned all over the place. In many ways she is a good role model--she has come so far being a woman in the place that she is and apparently had her own demons to fight to get there--and I do admire that. But there is a falseness there I just can't shake, and it bugs me!
So there it is. My Oprah rant. Not that most of you probably even care, but you know, sometimes it feels good to sit down at your computer with a cup of tea and just type away about some random thought.
At 11:08 PM,
Oprah and Donald Trump have those similarities, they luv to promote themselves, when you truly know what a good deed is, then you won't have to, I hope they grow up because they are role models to some extent and many americans need to think more of doing good for goodness sake, than just their individual accolades.
At 8:58 AM,
Suz said…
Good for goodness sake...right on, Robottony!!
At 9:16 AM,
Cuz said…
Amen, Girl!!! Totally agree with you!
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