Nice. I came into the weekend laughing with Steph over coffee, and left it laughing with her, Kim and Kim's brother Pat with the latest
Feminine Hijinx recording we did last night! Yes, Pat joined us down in the naughty pine--our 3rd guest in a row!--and there was indeed much hijinx a-happenin'. It was a bit on the long side, but it's so hard to keep it short with guests! (unless of course we have a rezzie, like with Cousin Ann..!) Just too much fun to be had--and in this case, too much sister-dirt to dish. Ow!
For more somber news, however, Phat Thunder has been plutoed. (for those of you not in the know, the 2006 word-of-the-

year 'plutoed' means to demote or devalue something.) I am not laughing about that. Phat Thunder has become Flat Thunder. Or maybe Phat Blunder. Well, there is nothing really wrong with it, but once again it's just not the right car for us. It has lost it's magic. I know this comes with all things new as they age, but some things age better than others. We just plain need more room, that's all there is to it. Without going back to an SUV, I think the next choice will have to be a *gulp* wagon. A Subaru Forester Wagon. I know, I know, SO not Metal. In fact I was informed last night that owning one of these actually makes people think you are a lesbian. Now that's interesting. That will be a new twist on things...a Metal Lesbian Mommy. Hey, whatever works. As long as I'm happy in my car I don't care what you call me. So, if anyone out there is in the market for a tricked-out Scion xB, let me know...! The saga continues...
Labels: Feminine Hijinx, Pat, Phat Thunder, Subaru Forester
At 9:35 AM,
Cuz said…
Sorry about Phat Thunder. Whatever you buy next, I know you will make it "metal", girl!!! Metal Mommy forever!!!
At 10:11 AM,
Suz said…
Thanks Cuz!! Metal is Attitude!!!!
At 3:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Suz, great to see a new show online. Will listen to it soon. I tried several times to reply to the previous one after hearing it, but it didn't work :-(
It was such a nice show with a very surprising end!
Plutoed, what a lovely word, haha!
Hm, not enough space in a Phat Thunder? What do you need to carry?
Nevertheless, hope you'll find a new car soon. At least you got your own Silver Metal Baby...
Btw, I just assured my 5th show for Stream of Passion :-) That will kick some major Metal ass with Lori and the other Soppies! I'd wish you would be able to come too, so we can have a nice meeting alltogether... Maybe one day...
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Subaru my not be metal but it definitely is WOMAN. It means 'sisters' in Japanese. A big reason why the car is popular with the woman loving woman gang.
At 10:55 AM,
Suz said…
Hey, Snowed-In---oooh, great trivia on the Subaru name! I've never thought of having my car be a vehicle for my sexual preference (hardy har) but I guess some people do. Now I have a good idea about what to name it when I get one...Sister something-or-other. nice.
By the way, is this Charlie??
At 1:54 PM,
LBJ said…
I drive a Subaru Impreza sport wagon and looove it. Less boxy than the Forester. Check it out.
At 4:33 PM,
Suz said…
Hey Lynn! Good to see you...
I ended up with the Forester and I don't care what anyone says! I love it! I did see the Impreza and thought about checking that out as well, but I like the boxy look meself.
Take care--
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